
宏可以通过使用 Context 来触发编译器警告和错误。


import reflect.macros.blackbox.Context

def debtMark(message: String): Unit = macro debtMark_impl
def debtMarkImpl(c: Context)(message: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
  message match {
    case Literal(Constant(msg: String)) => c.info(c.enclosingPosition, msg, false)
    // false above means "do not force this message to be shown unless -verbose"
    case _                              => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Message must be a string literal.")
    // Abort causes the compilation to completely fail. It's not even a compile error, where
    // multiple can stack up; this just kills everything.
  q"()" // At runtime this method does nothing, so we return ()

此外,我们可以创建两个宏 !!!?!?,而不是使用 ??? 标记未实现的代码,它们用于相同的目的,但会发出编译器警告。?!? 将发出警告,!!! 将导致彻底错误。

import reflect.macros.blackbox.Context

def ?!? : Nothing = macro impl_?!?
def !!! : Nothing = macro impl_!!!

def impl_?!?(c: Context): c.Tree = {
  import c.universe._
  c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, "Unimplemented!")
  // If someone were to shadow the scala package, scala.Predef.??? would not work, as it
  // would end up referring to the scala that shadows and not the actual scala.
  // ROOTPKG is the very root of the tree, and acts like it is imported anew in every
  // expression. It is actually named _root_, but if someone were to shadow it, every
  // reference to it would be an error. It allows us to safely access ??? and know that
  // it is the one we want.

def impl_!!!(c: Context): c.Tree = {
  import c.universe._
  c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Unimplemented!")