创建 Option 值和模式匹配

// The Option type can either contain Some value or None.
fn find(value: i32, slice: &[i32]) -> Option<usize> {
    for (index, &element) in slice.iter().enumerate() {
        if element == value {
            // Return a value (wrapped in Some).
            return Some(index);
    // Return no value.

fn main() {
    let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    // Pattern match against the Option value.
    if let Some(index) = find(2, &array) {
        // Here, there is a value.
        println!("The element 2 is at index {}.", index);

    // Check if the result is None (no value).
    if let None = find(12, &array) {
        // Here, there is no value.
        println!("The element 12 is not in the array.");

    // You can also use `is_some` and `is_none` helpers
    if find(12, &array).is_none() {
        println!("The element 12 is not in the array.");