组件状态 - 动态用户界面

假设我们想要具有以下行为 - 我们有一个标题(比如 h3 元素),点击它时,我们希望它成为一个输入框,以便我们可以修改标题名称。React 使用组件状态和 if else 语句使这非常简单直观。 (下面的代码说明)

// I have used ReactBootstrap elements. But the code works with regular html elements also
var Button = ReactBootstrap.Button;
var Form = ReactBootstrap.Form;
var FormGroup = ReactBootstrap.FormGroup;
var FormControl = ReactBootstrap.FormControl;

var Comment = reactCreateClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {show: false, newTitle: ''};

  handleTitleSubmit: function() {
     //code to handle input box submit - for example, issue an ajax request to change name in database

  handleTitleChange: function(e) {
    //code to change the name in form input box. newTitle is initialized as empty string. We need to update it with the string currently entered by user in the form
    this.setState({newTitle: e.target.value});

  changeComponent: function() {
    // this toggles the show variable which is used  for dynamic UI
    this.setState({show: !this.state.show)};

  render: function() {

    var clickableTitle;

    if(this.state.show) {
        clickableTitle = <Form inline onSubmit={this.handleTitleSubmit}>
                             <FormGroup controlId="formInlineTitle">
                                 <FormControl type="text" onChange={this.handleTitleChange}>
    } else {
        clickabletitle = <div>
                            <Button bsStyle="link" onClick={this.changeComponent}>
                                <h3> Default Text </h3>

    return (
        <div className="comment">

    <Comment />, document.getElementById('content')

代码的主要部分是 clickableTitle 变量。基于状态变量 show ,它可以是 Form 元素或 Button 元素。React 允许嵌套组件。

所以我们可以在 render 函数中添加一个{clickableTitle}元素。它查找 clickableTitle 变量。基于值’this.state.show’,它显示相应的元素。