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类实例 str 和 repr 方法的字符串表示
两种方法都实现了 eval-round-trip 风格的 repr()
class Card:
special_names = {1:'Ace', 11:'Jack', 12:'Queen', 13:'King'}
def __init__(self, suit, pips):
self.suit = suit
self.pips = pips
# Called when instance is converted to a string via str()
# Examples:
# print(card1)
# print(str(card1)
def __str__(self):
card_name = Card.special_names.get(self.pips, str(self.pips))
return "%s of %s" % (card_name, self.suit)
# Called when instance is converted to a string via repr()
# Examples:
# print([card1, card2, card3])
# print(repr(card1))
def __repr__(self):
return "Card(%s, %d)" % (self.suit, self.pips)