

从 Progress 下载你的发行版。如果你需要演示许可证,则需要与他们联系。确保下载 64 位而不是 32 位 tar 文件(除非你碰巧运行 32 位计算机)。


下载将是一个 zip 存档。将其解压缩并运行 setup.exe。安装将是图形化的,但与下面描述的完全相同。

Linux / Unix / HP-UX 等

将 tar 文件放在 Progress 系统上。假设你在主目录中有它:



cd /home/user




cd /tmp
mkdir proinst116
cd proinst116


现在运行 instalcript(在“​​proinst”目录中命名为 proinst):



 |                              Welcome                              |
 |                                                                   |
 |                                                                   |
 | Ensure that you have your completed "Preinstallation Checklist    |
 | for Unix" handy to consult. This information will facilitate your |
 | installation and ensure your choices are accurately recorded.     |
 |                                                                   |
 |     Copyright (c) 1984-2015 Progress Software Corporation         |
 |         and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates.             |
 |                     All Rights Reserved.                          |
 |                                                                   |
 |                                                                   |
 |                            [Enter=OK]                             |

现在你需要插入许可证密钥,公司名称等。建议下载附录文件,然后你只需按下 Ctrl+A 并使用它即可。

|                     Product Configuration Data                       |
|                                                [Enter=Additional]    |
| Company Name: ______________________________   [Ctrl-E=Done]         |
| Serial Number: _________                       [CTRL-T=Quit]         |
| Control Number: _____  _____  _____            [CTRL-N=Release Notes]|
|                                                [CTRL-V=View]         |
|                                                [TAB=Next Field]      |
|                                                [CTRL-P=Help]         |
|                                                [CTRL-A=Addendum File]|
|                                                                      |


  |                           License Addendum File                           |
  |                                                                           |
  | Enter Path: /home/myuser/myfile.txt______________________________________ |
  |                                                                           |
  |                                                                           |
  |                                                                           |
  |      [Enter=OK]  [CTRL-N=Cancel]                                          |
    |                                                [TAB=Next Field]      |
    |                                                [CTRL-P=Help]         |
    |                                                [CTRL-A=Addendum File]|
    |                                                                      |

手动添加许可证或通过文件加载许可证后,你可以按 Ctrl + V 查看要安装的产品:

      |Entered Product List    |
      | 4GL Development System |
      | OE Application Svr Ent |
+-----| OE Enterprise RDBMS    |---------------------------------------+
|     | OpenEdge Replication   |nfiguration Data                       |
|                                                [Enter=Additional]    |
| Company Name: ______________________________   [Ctrl-E=Done]         |
| Serial Number: _________                       [CTRL-T=Quit]         |
| Control Number: _____  _____  _____            [CTRL-N=Release Notes]|
|                                                [CTRL-V=View]         |
|                                                [TAB=Next Field]      |
|                                                [CTRL-P=Help]         |
|                                                [CTRL-A=Addendum File]|
|                                                                      |

一旦你满意,请按 Ctrl+E 继续安装或 Ctrl + Q 退出。


   |                 Done Configuration Data Confirmation                  |
   |                                                                       |
   |Are you sure that you are done entering all the control numbers for the|
   |OpenEdge products that will be installed?                              |
   |                                                                       |
   |                            [Y=YES] [N=NO]                             |
    |                                                [CTRL-P=Help]         |
    |                                                [CTRL-A=Addendum File]|
    |                                                                      |

按 Y 继续或 N 返回。


下一步是确定是否要启用 OpenEdge Explorer。Y 或 N。这可以在以后更改。

                    | Install Type and Destination  |
                    | Select Type of Installation   |
                    | Select Destination Pathname   |
                    | Select Management Pathname    |
                    | Continue with Installation    |
                    | View Release Notes            |
                    | Cancel                        |
                    | Quit Installation             |
                    | Help                          |

|Type: Complete Install                                                       |
|Destination pathname: /usr/dlc                                               |
|Working Dir pathname: /usr/wrk                                               |
|Management pathname: /usr/oemgmt                                             |
|Management Working Dir pathname: /usr/wrk_oemgmt                             |
|                                                                             |

现在,你必须确定要安装 Progress 的目录以及主要工作目录(基本上你要存储代码的位置)。更改这些或继续使用默认值。从历史上看,/usr/dlc 一直是默认值,因此你可能希望将此更改为此特定版本的 Progress 所特有的内容 - 这在升级时可能会有所帮助。选择 Complete Install(默认值)。

完成后:使用箭头键选择 Continue with Installation,然后按 enter 继续。

    |                 Select Server Engine              |
    |*SQL   -Provides SQL access to OpenEdge data files |
    | Continue with Install                             |
    | Cancel                                            |
    | Help                                              |

如果你没有计划任何 SQL 访问,可以按 Enter 键并在 SQL 之前删除*,否则只需要 Continue with Install

 |                                 ATTENTION                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 |The OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB is a recommended component of this      |
 |installation and requires a Sonic ESB installation somewhere on your       |
 |network.                                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |Choose YES if you plan on using OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB, else choose|
 |NO.                                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 |                          [Y=YES] [N=NO] [H=Help]                          |

很可能你不需要 Sonic ESB 的 OpenEdge 适配器所以按 N - 否则你知道该怎么做。

  |                            ATTENTION                            |
  |                                                                 |
  |WebSpeed is a recommended component of this installation and     |
  |requires a Web Server installed somewhere on your network.       |
  |                                                                 |
  |Choose YES if you plan on using WebSpeed and you are installing  |
  |on the system where your Web Server is installed, else choose NO.|
  |                                                                 |
  |                     [Y=YES] [N=NO] [H=Help]                     |

如果你打算使用 WebSpeed 生成动态 HTML 按 Y,否则 N。

                  | Web Server Type                    |
                  | Select Web Server Type             |
                  | Select Web Server Script directory |
                  | Copy the static HTML to docroot    |
                  | Continue with Installation         |
                  | Cancel                             |
                  | Quit Installation                  |
                  | Help                               |

设置 WebSpeed:选择 Select Web Server Type 并将其设置为 cgi(最有可能的话)。Web 服务器脚本目录可以设置为你的服务器 cgi-bin 目录或类似/tmp。不要复制静态 HTML - 它真的过时了。继续!

                      |Language Selection          |
                      | Chinese (Simplified)       |
                      | Czech                      |
                      | Dutch                      |
                      | English - American         |
                      | English - International    |
                      | French                     |
                      | German                     |
                      | Italian                    |
                      | Polish                     |
                      | Portuguese - Brazilian     |
                      | Spanish                    |
                      | Portuguese                 |
                      | Swedish                    |
                      | Spanish - Latin            |
                      | Make Default               |
                      | Continue with Installation |
                      | Cancel                     |
                      | Help                       |

选择 English,除非你真的需要别的东西,你实际上可以选择多个 - 在这种情况下制作一个默认值。继续!

                      | International Settings             |
                      | Select CharacterSet,Collation,Case |
                      | Select a Date Format               |
                      | Select a Number Format             |
                      | Continue with Installation         |
                      | Cancel                             |
                      | Quit Installation                  |
                      | Help                               |
                          | Polish                     |
                          | Portuguese - Brazilian     |
                          | Spanish                    |
                          | Portuguese                 |
                          | Swedish                    |
                          | Spanish - Latin            |
                          | Make Default               |
|                                                                             |
| CharacterSet,Collation,Case: ISO8859-1, Swedish, Basic                      |
| Date Format: ymd                                                            |
| Number Format: 1.234,56  (period, comma)                                    |

对于 Itnernational 设置,你应该尝试匹配以前的任何安装,以便将来帮助自己。否则,你可以将其设置为适合你自己需要的东西。这可以在将来改变。如果你愿意,可以使用 UTF-8

  |                         Web Services Adapter URL                          |
  |   Please enter the URL of where you will configure the sample             |
  |   Web Services Adapter's Java Servlet.                                    |
  |                                                                           |
  | URL: http://fedora-1gb-ams3-01.localdomain:80/wsa/wsa1___________________ |
  |                                                                           |
  |      [Enter=OK]  [CTRL-N=Cancel]  [CTRL-P=Help]                           |

保留 Web 服务适配器 URL 的默认值,除非你有充分的理由。

  |                           WSA Authentication                            |
  |                                                                         |
  |Would you like to Disable the Web Services Adapter's administration user |
  |authentication?                                                          |
  |                                                                         |
  |                         [Y=YES] [N=NO] [H=Help]                         |

禁用用户认证?最有可能的 N 是你想要的。

  |                          Complete Installation                          |
  |                                                                         |
  |The following products will be installed:                                |
  |'4GL Development System (x USERS)', 'OE Application Svr Ent (y USERS)', |
  |'OE Enterprise RDBMS (z USERS)', 'OpenEdge Replication (u USERS)'      |
  |                                                                         |
  |Disk Space Required for Products: 1,138,163,712 bytes                    |
  |Disk Space Required for Installation: 1,139,343,360 bytes                |
  |Disk Space Remaining After Installation: 26,534,129,664 bytes            |
  |                                                                         |
  |Selected Destination Path: /usr/dlc                                      |
  |                                                                         |
  |Do you want to install the above listed product(s)?                      |
  |                                                                         |
  |                         [Y=YES] [N=NO] [H=Help]                         |


                    |        Copy Scripts?        |
                    |                             |
                    |Copy the scripts to /usr/bin?|
                    |                             |
                    |   [Y=YES] [N=NO] [H=Help]   |


 |                             Installing Files                               |
 |                                                                            |
 |                 Installing subcomponent: Common Files (m)                  |
 |                        Installing file: libjvm.so                          |
 |                                    17%                                     |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | |                                                                        | |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                                                                            |
 |                               [CTRL-T=Quit]                                |


  |                          Configuring WebSpeed                           |
  |                                                                         |
  | a. Set up and start your Web server                                     |
  |    - If you did not select to "Copy static HTML files to                |
  |      Document Root directory", then manually copy the files             |
  |      or set a link.                                                     |
  |    - For NSAPI Messenger, edit the "obj.conf" and "start" files         |
  |      on the Web server.                                                 |
  | b. Set up the Broker machine.                                           |
  |    - Set environment variables if necessary.                            |
  |    - Edit the properties file (ubroker.properties), then start Broker.  |
  | c. To validate your configuration through the Messenger                 |
  |    Administration Page, enter ?WSMAdmin after the Messenger name        |
  |    in a URL.                                                            |
  |    (For example, for CGI, http://hostname/cgi-bin/wspd_cgi.sh?WSMAdmin) |
  |    (For example, for NSAPI, http://hostname/wsnsa.dll?WSMADmin)         |
  |                                                                         |
  |See the "OpenEdge Application Server: Administration" guide for details. |
  |                                                                         |
  |                           [Enter=OK] [H=Help]                           |

有关 WebSpeed 的一些信息。

    |Installation of selected OpenEdge products is complete.  |
    |Refer to the installation notes for more information.    |
    | End the OpenEdge Installation                           |
    | View Release Notes                                      |
    | Help                                                    |

最终屏幕 - 结束安装或查看发行说明。





/path-to-proinst/proinst -b /path-to-response-file/response.ini -l /path-to-store-log/silent.log