此模块允许你使用 Node.js 应用程序中的用户名和密码进行身份验证。
const passport = require('passport');
const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
// A named strategy is used since two local strategy are used :
// one for the registration and the other to sign-in
passport.use('localSignup', new LocalStrategy({
// Overriding defaults expected parameters,
// which are 'username' and 'password'
usernameField: 'email',
passwordField: 'password',
passReqToCallback: true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback .
function(req, email, password, next) {
// Check in database if user is already registered
findUserByEmail(email, function(user) {
// If email already exists, abort registration process and
// pass 'false' to the callback
if (user) return next(null, false);
// Else, we create the user
else {
// Password must be hashed !
let newUser = createUser(email, password);
newUser.save(function() {
// Pass the user to the callback
return next(null, newUser);
const passport = require('passport');
const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
passport.use('localSignin', new LocalStrategy({
usernameField : 'email',
passwordField : 'password',
function(email, password, next) {
// Find the user
findUserByEmail(email, function(user) {
// If user is not found, abort signing in process
// Custom messages can be provided in the verify callback
// to give the user more details concerning the failed authentication
if (!user)
return next(null, false, {message: 'This e-mail address is not associated with any account.'});
// Else, we check if password is valid
else {
// If password is not correct, abort signing in process
if (!isPasswordValid(password)) return next(null, false);
// Else, pass the user to callback
else return next(null, user);
// ...
// Sign-in route
// Passport strategies are middlewares
app.post('/login', passport.authenticate('localSignin', {
successRedirect: '/me',
failureRedirect: '/login'
// Sign-up route
app.post('/register', passport.authenticate('localSignup', {
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/signup'
// Call req.logout() to log out
app.get('/logout', function(req, res) {