
当人们想要使用不同的初始化和关注点独立运行进程时,子进程是一种可行的方法。就像群集中的叉子一样,child_process 在其线程中运行,但与叉子不同,它有一种与其父节点通信的方式。


家长 (../ parent.js)

var child_process = require('child_process');
console.log('[Parent]', 'initalize');

var child1 = child_process.fork(__dirname + '/child');
child1.on('message', function(msg) { 
    console.log('[Parent]', 'Answer from child: ', msg); 

// one can send as many messages as one want
child1.send('Hello'); // Hello to you too :)
child1.send('Hello'); // Hello to you too :)

// one can also have multiple children
var child2 = child_process.fork(__dirname + '/child');

孩子 (../child.js)

// here would one initialize this child
// this will be executed only once
console.log('[Child]', 'initalize');

// here one listens for new tasks from the parent
process.on('message', function(messageFromParent) {
    //do some intense work here
    console.log('[Child]', 'Child doing some intense work');

    if(messageFromParent == 'Hello') process.send('Hello to you too :)');
    else process.send('what?');

