Moq 是测试双打
模拟是指测试双打,允许验证与模拟的交互,它们并不意味着取代你正在测试的系统。示例通常会演示 Moq 的功能如下:
// Create the mock
var mock = new Mock<IMockTarget>();
// Configure the mock to do something
mock.SetupGet(x => x.PropertyToMock).Returns("FixedValue");
// Demonstrate that the configuration works
Assert.AreEqual("FixedValue", mock.Object.PropertyToMock);
// Verify that the mock was invoked
mock.VerifyGet(x => x.PropertyToMock);
虽然这个例子显示了使用 mock 所涉及的步骤,但重要的是要记住它实际上并没有测试任何东西,除了模拟已经正确设置和使用。使用模拟的实际测试将模拟提供给要测试的系统。要测试以下方法:
public class ClassToTest
public string GetPrefixedValue(IMockTarget provider)
return "Prefixed:" + provider.PropertyToMock;
public interface IMockTarget
string PropertyToMock { get; }
要创建实际验证 GetPrefixedValue
// Create and configure the mock to return a known value for the property
var mock = new Mock<IMockTarget>();
mock.SetupGet(x => x.PropertyToMock).Returns("FixedValue");
// Create an instance of the class to test
var sut = new ClassToTest();
// Invoke the method to test, supplying the mocked instance
var actualValue = sut.GetPrefixedValue(mock.Object);
// Validate that the calculated value is correct
Assert.AreEqual("Prefixed:FixedValue", actualValue);
// Depending on what your method does, the mock can then be interrogated to
// validate that the property getter was called. In this instance, it's
// unnecessary since we're validating it via the calculated value.
mock.VerifyGet(x => x.PropertyToMock);