
Nightwatch 支持创建可以模拟击键,鼠标点击和其他输入的自定义命令。自定义命令可以与其他 Nightwatch 命令链接,如下所示:

module.exports = {
  "Login App" : function (client) {
      .login("janedoe@somewhere.com", "janedoe123")

要启用此功能,请在 ./tests/nightwatch/commands/login 中定义命令,如下所示:

exports.command = function(username, password) {


      // we clear the input in case there's any data remaining from previous visits

      // we simulate key presses
      .setValue("#emailInput", username)
      .setValue("#passwordInput", password)

    // and we simulate a mouse click

  return this; // allows the command to be chained.

要使这一切正常,你需要将 id 属性添加到登录页面。在某种程度上,它需要大致如下所示:

<template name="login">
  <div id="login">
    <input id="emailInput" name="email" type="email" />
    <input id="passwordInput" name="password" type="password" />
    <button id="#signInToAppButton">Sign In</button>