
DispatchGroup 允许工作的聚合同步。你可以使用它们提交多个不同的工作项并跟踪它们何时完成,即使它们可能在不同的队列上运行。在完成所有指定任务之前无法进行此操作时,此行为很有用。

这可能有用的场景是,如果你有多个 webservice 调用,所有这些调用都需要在继续之前完成。例如,你需要下载需要由某个函数处理的多组数据。在调用函数处理所有接收的数据之前,必须等待所有 Web 服务完成。

Swift 3

func doLongTasksAndWait () {
    print("starting long running tasks")
    let group = DispatchGroup()          //create a group for a bunch of tasks we are about to do
    for i in 0...3 {                     //launch a bunch of tasks (eg a bunch of webservice calls that all need to be finished before proceeding to the next ViewController)
        group.enter()                    //let the group know that something is being added
        DispatchQueue.global().async {   //run tasks on a background thread
            sleep(arc4random() % 4)      //do some long task eg webservice or database lookup (here we are just sleeping for a random amount of time for demonstration purposes)
            print("long task \(i) done!")
            group.leave()                //let group know that the task is finished
    group.wait()                         //will block whatever thread we are on here until all the above tasks have finished (so maybe dont use this function on your main thread)
    print("all tasks done!")

或者,如果你不想等待组完成,而是想在所有任务完成后运行一个函数,请使用 notify 函数代替 group.wait()

group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) { //the queue: parameter is which queue this block will run on, if you need to do UI updates, use the main queue
    print("all tasks done!")              //this will execute when all tasks have left the group


starting long running tasks
long task 0 done!
long task 3 done!
long task 1 done!
long task 2 done!
all tasks done!

有关详细信息,请参阅 Apple Docs 或相关主题