二叉树的 Traversable 实例

traverse 的实现通常看起来像 fmap 的实现被提升到 Applicative 环境中。

 placeholderCopydata Tree a = Leaf
            | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

instance Traversable Tree where
    traverse f Leaf = pure Leaf
    traverse f (Node l x r) = Node <$> traverse f l <*> f x <*> traverse f r


 placeholderCopyghci> let myTree = Node (Node Leaf 'a' Leaf) 'b' (Node Leaf 'c' Leaf)

--    +--'b'--+
--    |       |
-- +-'a'-+ +-'c'-+
-- |     | |     |
-- *     * *     *

ghci> traverse print myTree

DeriveTraversable 扩展允许 GHC 根据类型的结构生成 Traversable 实例。我们可以通过调整 Node 构造函数的布局来改变机器编写的遍历的顺序。

 placeholderCopydata Inorder a = ILeaf
               | INode (Inorder a) a (Inorder a)  -- as before
               deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)  -- also using DeriveFunctor and DeriveFoldable

data Preorder a = PrLeaf
                | PrNode a (Preorder a) (Preorder a)
                deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

data Postorder a = PoLeaf
                 | PoNode (Postorder a) (Postorder a) a
                 deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- injections from the earlier Tree type
inorder::Tree a -> Inorder a
inorder Leaf = ILeaf
inorder (Node l x r) = INode (inorder l) x (inorder r)

preorder::Tree a -> Preorder a
preorder Leaf = PrLeaf
preorder (Node l x r) = PrNode x (preorder l) (preorder r)

postorder::Tree a -> Postorder a
postorder Leaf = PoLeaf
postorder (Node l x r) = PoNode (postorder l) (postorder r) x

ghci> traverse print (inorder myTree)
ghci> traverse print (preorder myTree)
ghci> traverse print (postorder myTree)