一个简单的 GTK 窗口

使用 GTK 和 Python 可以轻松呈现窗口。下面的示例基于 Python GTK3 教程 ,如果你是 GUI 编程或 GTK 的初学者,你应该阅读它。

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

# Set up the Gtk window    
win = Gtk.Window()

# Tell Gtk what to do when the window is closed (in this case quit the main loop)
win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)

# Create a label saying Hello World!
label = Gtk.Label(label="Hello World!")

# Add the label to the window

# Tell Gtk to show all widgets inside the window

# Start the Gtk main loop, which returns when Gtk.main_quit is called

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