获取附加到邮件的 CSV 文件
假设我们有一个系统通过电子邮件以附加的 CSV 文件的形式发送每日报告,并且我们想要访问这些报告。
function getCsvFromGmail() {
// Get the newest Gmail thread based on sender and subject
var gmailThread = GmailApp.search("from:noreply@example.com subject:\"My daily report\"", 0, 1)[0];
// Get the attachments of the latest mail in the thread.
var attachments = gmailThread.getMessages()[gmailThread.getMessageCount() - 1].getAttachments();
// Get and and parse the CSV from the first attachment
var csv = Utilities.parseCsv(attachments[0].getDataAsString());
return csv;