

你可以使用 Seq 模块中的功能:

// Create an empty generic sequence
let emptySeq = Seq.empty 

// Create an empty int sequence
let emptyIntSeq = Seq.empty<int> 

// Create a sequence with one element    
let singletonSeq = Seq.singleton 10 

// Create a sequence of n elements with the specified init function
let initSeq = Seq.init 10 (fun c -> c * 2) 

// Combine two sequence to create a new one
let combinedSeq = emptySeq |> Seq.append singletonSeq

// Create an infinite sequence using unfold with generator based on state
let naturals = Seq.unfold (fun state -> Some(state, state + 1)) 0


// Create a sequence with element from 0 to 10
let intSeq = seq { 0..10 }

// Create a sequence with an increment of 5 from 0 to 50
let intIncrementSeq = seq{ 0..5..50 }

// Create a sequence of strings, yield allow to define each element of the sequence
let stringSeq = seq {
    yield "Hello"
    yield "World"

// Create a sequence from multiple sequence, yield! allow to flatten sequences
let flattenSeq = seq {
    yield! seq { 0..10 }
    yield! seq { 11..20 }