


可以使用 inline 关键字内联函数:

// inline indicate that we want to replace each call to sayHello with the body 
// of the function
let inline sayHello s1 =
    sprintf "Hello %s" s1

// Call to sayHello will be replaced with the body of the function
let s = sayHello "Foo"
// After inlining -> 
// let s = sprintf "Hello %s" "Foo"

printfn "%s" s
// Output
// "Hello Foo"


let inline addAndMulti num1 num2 =
    let add = num1 + num2
    add * 2

let i = addAndMulti 2 2
// After inlining ->
// let add = 2 + 2
// let i = add * 2

printfn "%i" i
// Output
// 8