internal sealed class TextToTextCryptography : IDisposable
    // This type is not thread-safe because it repeatedly mutates the IV property.
    private SymmetricAlgorithm _cipher;

    // The input to Encrypt and the output from Decrypt need to use the same Encoding
    // so text -> bytes -> text produces the same text.
    private Encoding _textEncoding;

    // The output text ("the wire format") needs to be the same encoding for To-The-Wire
    // and From-The-Wire.
    private Encoding _binaryEncoding;
    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a Text-to-Text encryption/decryption object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">
    ///   The cipher key to use
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="textEncoding">
    ///   The text encoding to use, or <c>null</c> for UTF-8.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="binaryEncoding">
    ///   The binary/wire encoding to use, or <c>null</c> for Base64.
    /// </param>
    internal TextToTextCryptography(
        byte[] key,
        Encoding textEncoding,
        Encoding binaryEncoding)
        // The rest of this class can operate on any SymmetricAlgorithm, but
        // at some point you either need to pick one, or accept an input choice.
        SymmetricAlgorithm cipher = Aes.Create();

        // If the key isn't valid for the algorithm this will throw.
        // Since cipher is an Aes instance the key must be 128, 192, or 256 bits
        // (16, 24, or 32 bytes).
        cipher.Key = key;

        // These are the defaults, expressed here for clarity
        cipher.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
        cipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;

        _cipher = cipher;
        _textEncoding = textEncoding ?? Encoding.UTF8;

        // Allow null to mean Base64 since there's not an Encoding class for Base64.
        _binaryEncoding = binaryEncoding;

    internal string Encrypt(string text)
        // Because we are encrypting with CBC we need an Initialization Vector (IV).
        // Just let the platform make one up.
        byte[] output;

        using (ICryptoTransform encryptor = _cipher.CreateEncryptor())
            if (!encryptor.CanTransformMultipleBlocks)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Rewrite this code with CryptoStream");

            byte[] input = _textEncoding.GetBytes(text);
            byte[] encryptedOutput = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, input.Length);

            byte[] iv = _cipher.IV;

            // Build output as iv.Concat(encryptedOutput).ToArray();
            output = new byte[iv.Length + encryptedOutput.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(iv, 0, output, 0, iv.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptedOutput, 0, output, iv.Length, encryptedOutput.Length);

        return BytesToWire(output);

    internal string Decrypt(string text)
        byte[] inputBytes = WireToBytes(text);

        // Rehydrate the IV
        byte[] iv = new byte[_cipher.BlockSize / 8];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(inputBytes, 0, iv, 0, iv.Length);

        _cipher.IV = iv;

        byte[] output;

        using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = _cipher.CreateDecryptor())
            if (!decryptor.CanTransformMultipleBlocks)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Rewrite this code with CryptoStream");

            // Decrypt everything after the IV.
            output = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(
                inputBytes.Length - iv.Length);

        return _textEncoding.GetString(output);

    private string BytesToWire(byte[] bytes)
        if (_binaryEncoding != null)
            return _binaryEncoding.GetString(bytes);

        // Let null _binaryEncoding be Base64.
        return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

    private byte[] WireToBytes(string wireText)
        if (_binaryEncoding != null)
            return _binaryEncoding.GetBytes(wireText);

        // Let null _binaryEncoding be Base64.
        return Convert.FromBase64String(wireText);

    public void Dispose()
        _cipher = null;