
有几种方法可以将注释块标记为详细描述,以便 Doxygen 解析此注释块并将其作为以下代码项的描述添加到文档中。第一个也是最常见的是 C 样式注释,在注释开始序列中带有额外的星号,例如:

 * … text …
int dummy_var;

下一个选择是使用 Qt 样式并在 C 样式注释块的打开序列之后添加感叹号(!):

 * … text …
void foo(void);

第三种方法是使用至少两个 C++注释行的块,其中每一行以一个额外的斜杠或感叹号开头:

/// ... text ... 


//! ... text ... 


  * ... text 

注意 2 斜杠结束正常注释块并启动一个特殊注释块。

/// ... text ...

为了构建和生成生成的文档,Doxygen 提供了大量(> 170)特殊命令。文档中的所有命令都以反斜杠()或 at 符号(@)开头。


 * \brief    A brief description in one short sentence.


 * @brief    A brief description in one short sentence.


可以将\brief 命令与上述注释块之一一起使用。此命令在段落的末尾结束,因此详细描述在空行之后。

/** \brief Brief description. 
 * Brief description continued. 
 * Detailed description starts here. 

如果在配置文件中将 JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF 设置为 YES,则使用 JavaDoc 样式注释块将自动启动简短描述,该描述以第一个点结尾,后跟空格或新行。

/// Brief description which ends at this dot. Details follow 
/// here. 

最后这里有一个关于 doxygen 函数的完整文档的示例:

 * \brief   The function bar. 
 * \details This function does something which is doing nothing. So this text
 *          is totally senseless and you really do not need to read this,
 *          because this text is basically saying nothing.
 * \note    This text shall only show you, how such a \"note\" section
 *          is looking. There is nothing which really needs your notice,
 *          so you do not really need to read this section.
 * \param[in]     a    Description of parameter a.
 * \param[out]    b    Description of the parameter b.
 * \param[in,out] c    Description of the parameter c.
 * \return        The error return code of the function.
 * \retval        ERR_SUCCESS    The function is successfully executed
 * \retval        ERR_FAILURE    An error occurred

errcode_t bar(int a, int b, int c)
    /** More detailed description inside the code */

来源和 Doxygen 主页上的更多信息