使用 Dartdoc 的文档

使用 doc 注释而不是常规注释使 dartdoc 能够找到它并为其生成文档。

 placeholderCopy/// The number of characters in this chunk when unsplit.
int get length => ...

你可以在文档注释中使用大多数降价格式,dartdoc 将使用 markdown 包对其进行相应处理。

 placeholderCopy/// This is a paragraph of regular text.
/// This sentence has *two* _emphasized_ words (i.e. italics) and **two**
/// __strong__ ones (bold).
/// A blank line creates another separate paragraph. It has some `inline code`
/// delimited using backticks.
/// * Unordered lists.
/// * Look like ASCII bullet lists.
/// * You can also use `-` or `+`.
/// Links can be:
/// * http://www.just-a-bare-url.com
/// * [with the URL inline](http://google.com)
/// * [or separated out][ref link]
/// [ref link]: http://google.com
/// # A Header
/// ## A subheader