ID |
名称 | 天生 | CountryId | 国家的名字 | BOOKID | BOOKNAME |
1 |
丹尼尔丹尼特 | 1942 年 | 1 | 美国 | 1 | 奇思妙想 |
1 |
丹尼尔丹尼特 | 1942 年 | 1 | 美国 | 2 | 肘室 |
2 |
山姆哈里斯 | 1967 年 | 1 | 美国 | 3 | 道德景观 |
2 |
山姆哈里斯 | 1967 年 | 1 | 美国 | 4 | 醒来:没有宗教的灵性指南 |
3 |
理查德道金斯 | 1941 年 | 2 | 英国 | 五 | 现实的魔力:我们如何知道什么是真的 |
3 |
理查德道金斯 | 1941 年 | 2 | 英国 | 6 | 对神奇的渴望:科学家的创造 |
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Born { get; set; }
public Country Residience { get; set; }
public ICollection<Book> Books { get; set; }
public class Country
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public class Book
public int BookId { get; set; }
public string BookName { get; set; }
将填充完全物化的人物对象实例。对于查询结果的每一行,传入 lambda 参数中定义的类型实例的映射值,由你决定如何处理。
var sql = @"SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Daniel Dennett' AS Name, 1942 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 1 AS BookId, 'Brainstorms' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Daniel Dennett' AS Name, 1942 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 2 AS BookId, 'Elbow Room' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS Id, 'Sam Harris' AS Name, 1967 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 3 AS BookId, 'The Moral Landscape' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS Id, 'Sam Harris' AS Name, 1967 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 4 AS BookId, 'Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS Id, 'Richard Dawkins' AS Name, 1941 AS Born, 2 AS CountryId, 'United Kingdom' AS CountryName, 5 AS BookId, 'The Magic of Reality: How We Know What`s Really True' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS Id, 'Richard Dawkins' AS Name, 1941 AS Born, 2 AS CountryId, 'United Kingdom' AS CountryName, 6 AS BookId, 'An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist' AS BookName";
var remainingHorsemen = new Dictionary<int, Person>();
connection.Query<Person, Country, Book, Person>(sql, (person, country, book) => {
Person personEntity;
if (!remainingHorsemen.TryGetValue(person.Id, out personEntity))
remainingHorsemen.Add(person.Id, personEntity = person);
if(personEntity.Residience == null)
if (country == null)
country = new Country { CountryName = "" };
personEntity.Residience = country;
if(personEntity.Books == null)
personEntity.Books = new List<Book>();
if (book != null)
if (!personEntity.Books.Any(x => x.BookId == book.BookId))
return personEntity;
splitOn: "CountryId,BookId");