简单的 D3 图表 Hello World

将此代码粘贴到空 HTML 文件中,然后在浏览器中运行。

<!DOCTYPE html>


<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.js"></script>    <!-- This downloads d3 library -->

//This code will visualize a data set as a simple scatter chart using d3. I omit axes for simplicity.
var data = [        //This is the data we want to visualize. 
                    //In reality it usually comes from a file or database.
  {x: 10,    y: 10},
  {x: 10,    y: 20},
  {x: 10,    y: 30},
  {x: 10,    y: 40},
  {x: 10,    y: 50},
  {x: 10,    y: 80},
  {x: 10,    y: 90},
  {x: 10,    y: 100},
  {x: 10,    y: 110},
  {x: 20,    y: 30},
  {x: 20,    y: 120},
  {x: 30,    y: 10},
  {x: 30,    y: 20},
  {x: 30,    y: 30},
  {x: 30,    y: 40},
  {x: 30,    y: 50},
  {x: 30,    y: 80},
  {x: 30,    y: 90},
  {x: 30,    y: 100},
  {x: 30,    y: 110},
  {x: 40,    y: 120},
  {x: 50,    y: 10},
  {x: 50,    y: 20},
  {x: 50,    y: 30},
  {x: 50,    y: 40},
  {x: 50,    y: 50},
  {x: 50,    y: 80},
  {x: 50,    y: 90},
  {x: 50,    y: 100},
  {x: 50,    y: 110},
  {x: 60,    y: 10},
  {x: 60,    y: 30},
  {x: 60,    y: 50},
  {x: 70,    y: 10},
  {x: 70,    y: 30},
  {x: 70,    y: 50},
  {x: 70,    y: 90},
  {x: 70,    y: 100},
  {x: 70,    y: 110},
  {x: 80,    y: 80},
  {x: 80,    y: 120},
  {x: 90,    y: 10},
  {x: 90,    y: 20},
  {x: 90,    y: 30},
  {x: 90,    y: 40},
  {x: 90,    y: 50},
  {x: 90,    y: 80},
  {x: 90,    y: 120},
  {x: 100,    y: 50},
  {x: 100,    y: 90},
  {x: 100,    y: 100},
  {x: 100,    y: 110},
  {x: 110,    y: 50},
  {x: 120,    y: 80},
  {x: 120,    y: 90},
  {x: 120,    y: 100},
  {x: 120,    y: 110},
  {x: 120,    y: 120},
  {x: 130,    y: 10},
  {x: 130,    y: 20},
  {x: 130,    y: 30},
  {x: 130,    y: 40},
  {x: 130,    y: 50},
  {x: 130,    y: 80},
  {x: 130,    y: 100},
  {x: 140,    y: 50},
  {x: 140,    y: 80},
  {x: 140,    y: 100},
  {x: 140,    y: 110},  
  {x: 150,    y: 50},
  {x: 150,    y: 90},
  {x: 150,    y: 120},
  {x: 170,    y: 20},
  {x: 170,    y: 30},
  {x: 170,    y: 40},
  {x: 170,    y: 80},
  {x: 170,    y: 90},  
  {x: 170,    y: 100},
  {x: 170,    y: 110},
  {x: 170,    y: 120},
  {x: 180,    y: 10},
  {x: 180,    y: 50},
  {x: 180,    y: 120},
  {x: 190,    y: 10},
  {x: 190,    y: 50},
  {x: 190,    y: 120},
  {x: 200,    y: 20},
  {x: 200,    y: 30},  
  {x: 200,    y: 40},
  {x: 210,    y: 80},
  {x: 210,    y: 90},
  {x: 210,    y: 100},
  {x: 210,    y: 110},  
  {x: 210,    y: 120},
  {x: 220,    y: 80},  
  {x: 220,    y: 120},
  {x: 230,    y: 80},  
  {x: 230,    y: 120},
  {x: 240,    y: 90},
  {x: 240,    y: 100},  
  {x: 240,    y: 110},
  {x: 270,    y: 70},
  {x: 270,    y: 80},
  {x: 270,    y: 90},
  {x: 270,    y: 100},  
  {x: 270,    y: 120}

//The following code chains a bunch of methods. Method chaining is what makes d3 very simple and concise.
d3.select("body").append("svg").selectAll()  //'d3' calls the d3 library
                                             //'.select' selects the object (in this case the body of HTML)
                                             //'.append' adds SVG element to the body
                                             //'.selectAll()' selects all SVG elements
    .data(data)                              //'.data' gets the data from the variable 'data'
  .enter().append("circle")                  //'.enter' enters the data into the SVG 
                                             //the data enter as circles with '.append("circle")'
    .attr("r", 3)                            //'.attr' adds/alters atributes of SVG, 
                                             //such as radius ("r"), making it 3 pixels
    .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; }) //coordinates "cx" (circles' x coordinates)
    .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; }) //coordinates "cy" (circles' y coordinates)
    .style("fill", "darkblue");              //'.style' changes CSS of the SVG
                                             //in this case, fills circles with "darkblue" color


这是图表的 JSFiddle

你还可以从 GitHub 下载已创建的 HTML 文件。

学习 d3 的下一步可以跟随 Mike Bostock(d3 的创建者)教程从头开始创建条形图