
IEnumerable<T> 何时是不同的 IEnumerable<T1> 的子类型?当 TT1 的子类型时。IEnumerable 在其 T 参数中是协变的,这意味着 IEnumerable 的子类型关系与 T方向相同

 placeholderCopyclass Animal { /* ... */ }
class Dog : Animal { /* ... */ }

IEnumerable<Dog> dogs = Enumerable.Empty<Dog>();
IEnumerable<Animal> animals = dogs;  // IEnumerable<Dog> is a subtype of IEnumerable<Animal>
// dogs = animals;  // Compilation error - IEnumerable<Animal> is not a subtype of IEnumerable<Dog>


这种关系成立,因为 IEnumerable 产生 Ts 但不消耗它们。产生 Dogs 的对象可以像生产 Animals 一样使用。

使用 out 关键字声明协变类型参数,因为该参数必须仅用作输出

 placeholderCopyinterface IEnumerable<out T> { /* ... */ }


 placeholderCopyinterface Bad<out T>
    void SetT(T t);  // type error


 placeholderCopyusing NUnit.Framework;

namespace ToyStore
   enum Taste { Bitter, Sweet };

   interface IWidget
      int Weight { get; }

   interface IFactory<out TWidget>
       where TWidget : IWidget
      TWidget Create();

   class Toy : IWidget
      public int Weight { get; set; }
      public Taste Taste { get; set; }

   class ToyFactory : IFactory<Toy>
      public const int StandardWeight = 100;
      public const Taste StandardTaste = Taste.Sweet;

      public Toy Create() { return new Toy { Weight = StandardWeight, Taste = StandardTaste }; }

   public class GivenAToyFactory
      public static void WhenUsingToyFactoryToMakeWidgets()
         var toyFactory = new ToyFactory();

         //// Without out keyword, note the verbose explicit cast:
         // IFactory<IWidget> rustBeltFactory = (IFactory<IWidget>)toyFactory;

         // covariance: concrete being assigned to abstract (shiny and new)
         IFactory<IWidget> widgetFactory = toyFactory;
         IWidget anotherToy = widgetFactory.Create();
         Assert.That(anotherToy.Weight, Is.EqualTo(ToyFactory.StandardWeight)); // abstract contract
         Assert.That(((Toy)anotherToy).Taste, Is.EqualTo(ToyFactory.StandardTaste)); // concrete contract