
Func 为参数化匿名函数提供了持有者。前导类型是输入,最后一种类型始终是返回值。

// square a number.
Func<double, double> square = (x) => { return x * x; };

// get the square root.
// note how the signature matches the built in method.
Func<double, double> squareroot = Math.Sqrt;

// provide your workings.
Func<double, double, string> workings = (x, y) => 
    string.Format("The square of {0} is {1}.", x, square(y))

Action 对象类似于 void 方法,因此它们只有一个输入类型。没有结果放在评估堆栈上。

// right-angled triangle.
class Triangle
    public double a;
    public double b;
    public double h;

// Pythagorean theorem.
Action<Triangle> pythagoras = (x) => 
    x.h = squareroot(square(x.a) + square(x.b));

Triangle t = new Triangle { a = 3, b = 4 };
Console.WriteLine(t.h); // 5.