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cobol 教程
placeholderCopyGCobol >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED
*> ***************************************************************
*> Purpose: RELATIVE file organization REWRITE example
*> Tectonics: cobc -g -debug -W -x relatives.cob
*> ***************************************************************
identification division.
program-id. relatives.
environment division.
configuration section.
function all intrinsic.
input-output section.
select optional relatives
assign to "relatives.dat"
file status is filestatus
organization is relative
access mode is dynamic
relative key is nicknum.
data division.
file section.
fd relatives.
01 person.
05 firstname pic x(48).
05 lastname pic x(64).
05 relationship pic x(32).
working-storage section.
77 filestatus pic 9(2).
88 ineof value 1 when set to false is 0.
77 satisfaction pic 9.
88 satisfied value 1 when set to false is 0.
77 nicknum pic 9(2).
77 title-line pic x(34).
88 writing-names value "Adding, Overwriting. 00 to finish".
88 reading-names value "Which record? 00 to quit".
77 problem pic x(80).
screen section.
01 detail-screen.
05 line 1 column 1 from title-line erase eos.
05 line 2 column 1 value "Record: ".
05 pic 9(2) line 2 column 16 using nicknum.
05 line 3 column 1 value "First name: ".
05 pic x(48) line 3 column 16 using firstname.
05 line 4 column 1 value "Last name: ".
05 pic x(64) line 4 column 16 using lastname.
05 line 5 column 1 value "Relation: ".
05 pic x(32) line 5 column 16 using relationship.
05 pic x(80) line 6 column 1 from problem.
01 show-screen.
05 line 1 column 1 from title-line erase eos.
05 line 2 column 1 value "Record: ".
05 pic 9(2) line 2 column 16 using nicknum.
05 line 3 column 1 value "First name: ".
05 pic x(48) line 3 column 16 from firstname.
05 line 4 column 1 value "Last name: ".
05 pic x(64) line 4 column 16 from lastname.
05 line 5 column 1 value "Relation: ".
05 pic x(32) line 5 column 16 from relationship.
05 pic x(80) line 6 column 1 from problem.
*> -*********-*********-*********-*********-*********-*********-**
procedure division.
*> Open the file and find the highest record number
*> which is a sequential read operation after START
open input relatives
move 99 to nicknum
start relatives key is less than or equal to nicknum
invalid key
move concatenate('NO START' space filestatus)
to problem
move 00 to nicknum
not invalid key
read relatives next end-read
*> Close and open for i-o
close relatives
open i-o relatives
*> Prompt for numbers and names to add until 00
set writing-names to true
set satisfied to false
perform fill-file through fill-file-end
until satisfied
close relatives
*> Prompt for numbers to view names of until 00
open input relatives
set reading-names to true
set satisfied to false
perform record-request through record-request-end
until satisfied
perform close-shop
*> get some user data to add
display detail-screen.
accept detail-screen.
move spaces to problem
if nicknum equal 0
set satisfied to true
go to fill-file-end
write person
invalid key
move concatenate("overwriting: " nicknum) to problem
REWRITE person
invalid key
move concatenate(
exception-location() space nicknum
space filestatus)
to problem
display detail-screen
*> get keys to display
display show-screen
accept show-screen
move spaces to problem
if nicknum equals 0
set satisfied to true
go to record-request-end
*> The magic of relative record number reads
read relatives
invalid key
move exception-location() to problem
not invalid key
move spaces to problem
display show-screen
*> get out <*
close relatives.
end program relatives.