
插件是开发人员在创建图表时修改图表的一种方式。Chart.js 调用以下图表状态的所有插件:

  • 开始初始化
  • 初始化结束
  • 更新开始
  • 图表比例计算完毕后
  • 开始更新数据集
  • 数据集更新结束
  • 更新结束(渲染发生之前)
  • 开始抽奖
  • 抽签结束
  • 在数据集绘制之前
  • 数据集绘制后
  • 调整
  • 在动画开始之前


要创建插件,请为要修改的任何图表状态(上面列出)创建具有适当命名函数的 JavaScript 对象。获得插件对象后,将其传递给 Chart.pluginService.register(PLUGIN_OBJECT_NAME);,让 Chart.js 知道注册插件。


// Create the plugin object with functions for all the chart states
var simplePlugin = {
  beforeInit: function(chartInstance) {},
  afterInit: function(chartInstance) {},

  resize: function(chartInstance, newChartSize) {},

  beforeUpdate: function(chartInstance) {},
  afterScaleUpdate: function(chartInstance) {},
  beforeDatasetsUpdate: function(chartInstance) {},
  afterDatasetsUpdate: function(chartInstance) {},
  afterUpdate: function(chartInstance) {},

  // This is called at the start of a render. It is only called once, even if the animation will run for a number of frames. Use beforeDraw or afterDraw
  // to do something on each animation frame
  beforeRender: function(chartInstance) {},

  // Easing is for animation
  beforeDraw: function(chartInstance, easing) {},
  afterDraw: function(chartInstance, easing) {},

  // Before the datasets are drawn but after scales are drawn
  beforeDatasetsDraw: function(chartInstance, easing) {},
  afterDatasetsDraw: function(chartInstance, easing) {},

  destroy: function(chartInstance) {}

// Let Chart.js know about the new plugin
