
在这个例子中,我们将设计一个测量层,它输出训练期间二进制问题的准确度和混淆矩阵以及测试/验证期间的准确性,误报率和假阴性率。虽然 Caffe 已经有了精确度层,但有时你还需要更多东西,比如 F-measure。

这是我的 measureLayer.py 和我的类定义:

#Remark: This class is designed for a binary problem, where the first class would be the 'negative'
# and the second class would be 'positive'

import caffe
TEST = 1

class Measure_Layer(caffe.Layer):
    #Setup method
    def setup(self, bottom, top):
        #We want two bottom blobs, the labels and the predictions
        if len(bottom) != 2:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of bottom blobs (prediction and label)") 

        #And some top blobs, depending on the phase
        if self.phase = TEST and len(top) != 3:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of top blobs (acc, FPR, FNR)")
        if self.phase = TRAIN and len(top) != 5:
            raise Exception("Wrong number of top blobs (acc, tp, tn, fp and fn)")
        #Initialize some attributes
        self.TPs = 0.0
        self.TNs = 0.0
        self.FPs = 0.0
        self.FNs = 0.0
        self.totalImgs = 0

    #Forward method
    def forward(self, bottom, top):
        #The order of these depends on the prototxt definition
        predictions = bottom[0].data
        labels = bottom[1].data

        self.totalImgs += len(labels)

        for i in range(len(labels)): #len(labels) is equal to the batch size
                pred = predictions[i]   #pred is a tuple with the normalized probability 
                                        #of a sample i.r.t. two classes
                lab = labels[i]
                if pred[0] > pred[1]:
                        if lab == 1.0:
                                self.FNs += 1.0
                                self.TNs += 1.0
                        if lab == 1.0:
                                self.TPs += 1.0
                                self.FPs += 1.0

        acc = (self.TPs + self.TNs) / self.totalImgs
        try: #just assuring we don't divide by 0
                fpr = self.FPs / (self.FPs + self.TNs)
                fpr = -1.0

        try: #just assuring we don't divide by 0
                fnr = self.FNs / (self.FNs + self.TPs)
                fnr = -1.0
       #output data to top blob
       top[0].data = acc
       if self.phase == TRAIN:
           top[1].data = self.TPs
           top[2].data = self.TNs
           top[3].data = self.FPs
           top[4].data = self.FNs
       elif self.phase == TEST:
           top[1].data = fpr
           top[2].data = fnr
    def reshape(self, bottom, top):
        We don't need to reshape or instantiate anything that is input-size sensitive

    def backward(self, bottom, top):
        This layer does not back propagate

这是一个原型文本的例子 :

layer {
  name: "metrics"
  type: "Python"
  top: "Acc"
  top: "TPs"
  top: "TNs"
  top: "FPs"
  top: "FNs"
  bottom: "prediction"   #let's supose we have these two bottom blobs
  bottom: "label"

  python_param {
    module: "measureLayer"
    layer: "Measure_Layer"
  include {
    phase: TRAIN

layer {
  name: "metrics"
  type: "Python"
  top: "Acc"
  top: "FPR"
  top: "FNR"
  bottom: "prediction"   #let's supose we have these two bottom blobs
  bottom: "label"

  python_param {
    module: "measureLayer"
    layer: "Measure_Layer"
  include {
    phase: TEST