使用 GNU getopt 工具

应用程序的命令行选项与 C 语言的命令行参数的处理方式不同。它们只是在 Linux 或 Unix 环境中传统上以破折号(-)开头的参数。

使用 glibc 在 Linux 或 Unix 环境中,你可以使用 getopt 工具从其余参数中轻松定义,验证和解析命令行选项。

这些工具希望根据 GNU 编码标准格式化你的选项, GNU 编码标准是 POSIX 为命令行选项格式指定的扩展。

下面的示例演示了如何使用 GNU getopt 工具处理命令行选项。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>

/* print a description of all supported options */
void usage (FILE *fp, const char *path)
    /* take only the last portion of the path */
    const char *basename = strrchr(path, '/');
    basename = basename ? basename + 1 : path;

    fprintf (fp, "usage: %s [OPTION]\n", basename);
    fprintf (fp, "  -h, --help\t\t"
                 "Print this help and exit.\n");
    fprintf (fp, "  -f, --file[=FILENAME]\t"
                 "Write all output to a file (defaults to out.txt).\n");
    fprintf (fp, "  -m, --msg=STRING\t"
                 "Output a particular message rather than 'Hello world'.\n");

/* parse command-line options and print message */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* for code brevity this example just uses fixed buffer sizes for strings */
    char filename[256] = { 0 };
    char message[256] = "Hello world";
    FILE *fp;
    int help_flag = 0;
    int opt;

    /* table of all supported options in their long form.
     * fields: name, has_arg, flag, val
     * `has_arg` specifies whether the associated long-form option can (or, in
     * some cases, must) have an argument. the valid values for `has_arg` are
     * `no_argument`, `optional_argument`, and `required_argument`.
     * if `flag` points to a variable, then the variable will be given a value
     * of `val` when the associated long-form option is present at the command
     * line.
     * if `flag` is NULL, then `val` is returned by `getopt_long` (see below)
     * when the associated long-form option is found amongst the command-line
     * arguments.
    struct option longopts[] = {
        { "help", no_argument, &help_flag, 1 },
        { "file", optional_argument, NULL, 'f' },
        { "msg", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
        { 0 }

    /* infinite loop, to be broken when we are done parsing options */
    while (1) {
        /* getopt_long supports GNU-style full-word "long" options in addition
         * to the single-character "short" options which are supported by
         * getopt.
         * the third argument is a collection of supported short-form options.
         * these do not necessarily have to correlate to the long-form options.
         * one colon after an option indicates that it has an argument, two
         * indicates that the argument is optional. order is unimportant.
        opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hf::m:", longopts, 0);

        if (opt == -1) {
            /* a return value of -1 indicates that there are no more options */

        switch (opt) {
        case 'h':
            /* the help_flag and value are specified in the longopts table,
             * which means that when the --help option is specified (in its long
             * form), the help_flag variable will be automatically set.
             * however, the parser for short-form options does not support the
             * automatic setting of flags, so we still need this code to set the
             * help_flag manually when the -h option is specified.
            help_flag = 1;
        case 'f':
            /* optarg is a global variable in getopt.h. it contains the argument
             * for this option. it is null if there was no argument.
            printf ("outarg: '%s'\n", optarg);
            strncpy (filename, optarg ? optarg : "out.txt", sizeof (filename));
            /* strncpy does not fully guarantee null-termination */
            filename[sizeof (filename) - 1] = '\0';
        case 'm':
            /* since the argument for this option is required, getopt guarantees
             * that aptarg is non-null.
            strncpy (message, optarg, sizeof (message));
            message[sizeof (message) - 1] = '\0';
        case '?':
            /* a return value of '?' indicates that an option was malformed.
             * this could mean that an unrecognized option was given, or that an
             * option which requires an argument did not include an argument.
            usage (stderr, argv[0]);
            return 1;

    if (help_flag) {
        usage (stdout, argv[0]);
        return 0;

    if (filename[0]) {
        fp = fopen (filename, "w");
    } else {
        fp = stdout;

    if (!fp) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file.\n");
        return 1;

    fprintf (fp, "%s\n", message);

    fclose (fp);
    return 0;

它可以用 gcc 编译:

gcc example.c -o example

它支持三种命令行选项(--help--file--msg)。所有人都有短形式-h-f-m)。filemsg 选项都接受参数。如果指定 msg 选项,则其参数是必需的。


  • --option=value(适用于长形选项)
  • -ovalue-o"value"(适用于短格式选项)