OpenMP 并行收集减少
此示例说明了使用 std::vector
和 OpenMP 执行缩减或收集的概念。
// The Master vector
// We want a vector of results gathered from slave threads
std::vector<int> Master;
// Hint the compiler to parallelize this { } of code
// with all available threads (usually the same as logical processor qty)
#pragma omp parallel
// In this area, you can write any code you want for each
// slave thread, in this case a vector to hold each of their results
// We don't have to worry about how many threads were spawn or if we need
// to repeat this declaration or not.
std::vector<int> Slave;
// Tell the compiler to use all threads allocated for this parallel region
// to perform this loop in parts. Actual load appx = 1000000 / Thread Qty
// The nowait keyword tells the compiler that the slave threads don't
// have to wait for all other slaves to finish this for loop job
#pragma omp for nowait
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i
/* Do something */
// Slaves that finished their part of the job
// will perform this thread by thread one at a time
// critical section ensures that only 0 or 1 thread performs
// the { } at any time
#pragma omp critical
// Merge slave into master
// use move iterators instead, avoid copy unless
// you want to use it for something else after this section
// Have fun with Master vector