newInstance() 模式

尽管可以使用参数创建片段构造函数,但 Android 在重新创建片段时会在内部调用零参数构造函数(例如,如果因为 Android 自身原因而被杀死后它们正在被恢复)。因此,不建议依赖具有参数的构造函数。

为了确保始终存在你期望的片段参数,你可以使用静态 newInstance() 方法创建片段,并将你想要的任何参数放入创建新实例时可用的包中。

import android.os.Bundle;

public class MyFragment extends Fragment
  // Our identifier for obtaining the name from arguments
  private static final String NAME_ARG = "name";

  private String mName;

  // Required
  public MyFragment(){}

  // The static constructor.  This is the only way that you should instantiate
  // the fragment yourself
  public static MyFragment newInstance(final String name) {
    final MyFragment myFragment = new MyFragment();
    // The 1 below is an optimization, being the number of arguments that will
    // be added to this bundle.  If you know the number of arguments you will add
    // to the bundle it stops additional allocations of the backing map.  If
    // unsure, you can construct Bundle without any arguments
    final Bundle args = new Bundle(1);

    // This stores the argument as an argument in the bundle.  Note that even if
    // the 'name' parameter is NULL then this will work, so you should consider
    // at this point if the parameter is mandatory and if so check for NULL and
    // throw an appropriate error if so
    args.putString(NAME_ARG, name);

    return myFragment;

  public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Bundle arguments = getArguments();
    if (arguments == null || !arguments.containsKey(NAME_ARG)) {
      // Set a default or error as you see fit
    } else {
      mName = arguments.getString(NAME_ARG);


FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
MyFragment mFragment = MyFragment.newInstance("my name");
ft.replace(, mFragment);
// is where we want to load our fragment

此模式是确保在创建时将所有必需参数传递给片段的最佳实践。请注意,当系统销毁片段并稍后重新创建它时,它将自动恢复其状态 - 但你必须为其提供 onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) 实现。