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注意: FPS 15 用于本教程,建议使用,但如果需要更多,则必须自行修改部分代码。


const src_grass_tile_url:String = "https://i.stack.imgur.com/sjJFS.png";
const src_character_atlas_url:String = "https://i.stack.imgur.com/B7ztZ.png";

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, setGround);
loader.load(new URLRequest(src_grass_tile_url));

一旦 src_grass_tile_url 加载并准备好使用,setGround 将被解锁。按照实现 setGround 来获取资源并将其绘制为游戏背景

function setGround(e:Event):void {
    /* drawing ground */
    /* loader is a displayObject, so we can simply draw it into the bitmap data*/
    /* create an instance of Bitmapdata with same width and height as our window*/
    /* (also set transparent to false because grass image, does not contains any transparent pixel) */
    var grass_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(loader.width, loader.height, false, 0x0);
    /* time to draw */
    grass_bmd.draw(loader); // drawing loader into the bitmapData
    /* now we have to draw a tiled version of grass_bmd inside a displayObject Sprite to displaying 
       BitmapData on stage */
    var grass_sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
    // for drawing a bitmap inside sprite, we must use <beginBitmapFill> with graphic property of the sprite
    // then draw a full size rectangle with that Fill-Data
    // there is a repeat mode argument with true default value so we dont set it true again.
    // use a matrix for scalling grass Image during draw to be more cute!
    var mx:Matrix = new Matrix();
    mx.scale(2, 2);
    grass_sprite.graphics.beginBitmapFill(grass_bmd, mx);
    grass_sprite.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
    // now add sprite to displayobjectcontainer to be displayed
    // well done, ground is ready, now we must initialize our character
    // first, load its data, i just re-use my loader for loading new image, but with another complete handler (setCharacter)
    // so remove existing handler, then add new one
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, setGround);
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, setCharacter);
    loader.load(new URLRequest(src_character_atlas_url));

在我们完成了地面工作之后,它的代码是很好的评论,是时候实现角色了。character 还包含必须以相同方式加载的资源。所以在 setGround 结束时,我们将前往 setCharacter,这是另一个完整的回叫。

function setCharacter(e:Event):void {
    // let assuming that what is really character!
    // a set of images inside a single image!
    // that images are frames of our character (also provides movement for different directions)
    // first load this
    var character_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(loader.width, loader.height, true, 0x0); // note character is transparent
    // take a look at sprite sheet, how many frames you see?
    // 42 frames, so we can get width of a single frame
    const frame_width:uint = character_bmd.width / 42; // 41 pixels
    // as i show you above, to displaying a BitmapData, we have to draw it using a DisplayObject,
    // another way is creating a Bitmap and setting its bitmapdata
    var character_bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(character_bmd);
    // but its not enough yet, a movieClip is necessary to cliping and animating this bitmap (as a child of itself)
    var character_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    character_bmp.name = "sprite_sheet"; // setting a name to character_bmp, for future accessing
    character_mc.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, frame_width, character_bmd.height); // cliping movieclip, to dusplaying only one frame
    character_mc.name = "character"; // setting a name to character_mc, for future accessing
    stage.addChild(character_mc); // adding it to stage.
    // well done, we have a character, but its static yet! 2 steps remaining. 1 controlling 2 animating
    // at first setting a control handler for moving character in 8 directions.
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown);
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp);


// we storing key stats inside <keys> Object
var keys:Object = {u:false, d:false, l:false, r:false};
function keyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 38: //up
            keys.u = true;
        case 40: //down
            keys.d = true;
        case 37: //left
            keys.l = true;
        case 39: //right
            keys.r = true;
function keyUp(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 38: //up
            keys.u = false;
        case 40: //down
            keys.d = false;
        case 37: //left
            keys.l = false;
        case 39: //right
            keys.r = false;

keys:Object 每个箭头键存储 4 个布尔变量,移动过程必须在游戏的更新(循环)功能内完成,因此我们必须将键盘统计数据传递给它。让我们实现循环功能。

// initialize game Loop function for updating game objects
addEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, loop);

// speed of character movement
const speed:Number = 5;
// this function will be called on each frame, with same rate as your project fps
function loop(e:Event):void {
    if (keys.u) stage.getChildByName("character").y -= speed;
    else if (keys.d) stage.getChildByName("character").y += speed;
    if (keys.l) stage.getChildByName("character").x -= speed;
    else if (keys.r) stage.getChildByName("character").x += speed;

速度是辅助常数,定义角色的速度。上面的代码提供了一个简单的 8 方向运动,优先级低:Up > Down Left > Right。因此,如果向上和向下箭头在同一时间被压,字符只移动到 (未冷冻)。

做得好!!! 只剩下一步,动画,本教程最重要的部分

注意,在等距游戏中,每个关键帧包含 8 个方向(可以减少到 5 个使用翻转)

var keyframs:Object = {
    idle: {up:[0,0], up_right:[1,1], right:[2,2], down_right:[3,3], down:[4,4]}, // [2,2] means start frame is 2 and end frame is 2
    run: {up:[5,10], up_right:[11,16], right:[17,22], down_right:[23,28], down:[29,34]}

,例如方向右的空闲动画的起始帧,是:<keyframs.idle.right [0]>
现在让我们实现 Animator 功能

var current_frame:uint;
function animate(keyframe:Array):void {
    // how it works
    // just called with a keyframe with direction (each frame),
    // if keyframe is what is already playing, its just moved to next frame and got updated (or begning frame for loop)
    // other wise, just moved to begining frame of new keyframe
    if (current_frame >= keyframe[0] && current_frame <= keyframe[1]) { // check if in bound
        if (current_frame > keyframe[1]) // play back if reached
            current_frame = keyframe[0];
    } else {
        current_frame = keyframe[0]; // start new keyframe from begining
    // moving Bitmap inside character MovieClip
    var character:MovieClip = stage.getChildByName("character") as MovieClip;
    var sprite_sheet:Bitmap = character.getChildByName("sprite_sheet") as Bitmap;
    sprite_sheet.x = -1 * current_frame * character.width;

阅读上述功能的评论,但该功能的主要工作是在字符 MovieClip 内移动 sprite_sheet Bitmap。 **

我们知道每次更新都应该在 Loop 函数内完成,所以我们将从 Loop 调用这个函数和相关的关键帧。这是更新的循环函数:

// speed of character movement
const speed:Number = 8;
var last_keyStat:Object = {u:false, d:false, l:false, r:false}; // used to getting a backup of previous keyboard stat for detecting correct idle direction
// this function will be called on each frame, with same rate as your project fps
function loop(e:Event):void {
    if (keys.u) stage.getChildByName("character").y -= speed;
    else if (keys.d) stage.getChildByName("character").y += speed;
    if (keys.l) stage.getChildByName("character").x -= speed;
    else if (keys.r) stage.getChildByName("character").x += speed;
    // animation detection
    if (keys.u && keys.l) { animate(keyframs.run.up_right); flip(true); }
    else if (keys.u && keys.r) { animate(keyframs.run.up_right); flip(false); }
    else if (keys.d && keys.l) { animate(keyframs.run.down_right); flip(true); }
    else if (keys.d && keys.r) { animate(keyframs.run.down_right); flip(false); }
    else if (keys.u) { animate(keyframs.run.up); flip(false); }
    else if (keys.d) { animate(keyframs.run.down); flip(false); }
    else if (keys.l) { animate(keyframs.run.right); flip(true); }
    else if (keys.r) { animate(keyframs.run.right); flip(false); }
    else {
        // if character dont move, so play idle animation
        // what is the best practice to detecting idle direction?
        // my suggestion is to sotring previous keyboard stats to determining which idle direction is correct
        // do any better thing if possible (absolutely is possible)
        // i just simply copy it from above, and replaced (keys) with (last_keyStat) and (run) with (idle)
        if (last_keyStat.u && last_keyStat.l) { animate(keyframs.idle.up_right); flip(true); }
        else if (last_keyStat.u && last_keyStat.r) { animate(keyframs.idle.up_right); flip(false); }
        else if (last_keyStat.d && last_keyStat.l) { animate(keyframs.idle.down_right); flip(true); }
        else if (last_keyStat.d && last_keyStat.r) { animate(keyframs.idle.down_right); flip(false); }
        else if (last_keyStat.u) { animate(keyframs.idle.up); flip(false); }
        else if (last_keyStat.d) { animate(keyframs.idle.down); flip(false); }
        else if (last_keyStat.l) { animate(keyframs.idle.right); flip(true); }
        else if (last_keyStat.r) { animate(keyframs.idle.right); flip(false); }
    // update last_keyStat backup
    last_keyStat.u = keys.u;
    last_keyStat.d = keys.d;
    last_keyStat.l = keys.l;
    last_keyStat.r = keys.r;

阅读评论,我们只需通过键盘统计信息检测真正的关键帧。然后也做同样的事情来检测空闲动画。对于空闲动画,我们没有用于检测哪个方向字符所在的键输入,因此 simle 辅助变量可以方便地存储键盘的先前状态(last_keyStat)。

另外还有一个新功能 flip,它是另一个用于模拟缺失动画的辅助函数(left + up_left + down_left),这个函数还做了一些修复,如下所示:

// usage of flip function is because of Movieclip registration point, its a fix
// as the registration point of MovieClip is not placed in center, when flipping animation (for non existing directions inside spritesheet)
// character location changes with an unwanted value equal its width, so we have to prevent this and push it back or forward during flip
function flip(left:Boolean):void {
    var character:MovieClip = stage.getChildByName("character") as MovieClip;
    if (left) {
        if (character.scaleX != -1) {
            character.scaleX = -1;
            character.x += character.width; // comment this line to see what happen without this fix
    } else {
        if (character.scaleX != 1) {
            character.scaleX = 1;
            character.x -= character.width; // comment this line to see what happen without this fix

