


我們可以簡單地輸入與+連線的數字用於新增- 用於減去

> 3 + 4.5
# [1] 7.5
> 3 + 4.5 + 2
# [1] 9.5
> 3 + 4.5 + 2 - 3.8
# [1] 5.7
> 3 + NA
#[1] NA
> NA + NA
#[1] NA
> NA - NA
#[1] NA
> NaN - NA
#[1] NaN
> NaN + NA
#[1] NaN

我們可以將數字分配給變數 (在這種情況下為常量)並執行相同的操作:

> a <- 3; B <- 4.5; cc <- 2; Dd <- 3.8 ;na<-NA;nan<-NaN
> a + B
# [1] 7.5
> a + B + cc
# [1] 9.5
> a + B + cc - Dd
# [1] 5.7
> B-nan
#[1] NaN
> a+na-na
#[1] NA
> a + na
#[1] NA
> B-nan
#[1] NaN
> a+na-na
#[1] NA



> A <- c(3, 4.5, 2, -3.8);
> A
# [1]  3.0  4.5  2.0 -3.8
> A + 2 # Adding a number 
# [1]  5.0  6.5  4.0 -1.8
> 8 - A # number less vector
# [1]  5.0  3.5  6.0 11.8
> n <- length(A) #number of elements of vector A
> n
# [1] 4
> A[-n] + A[n] # Add the last element to the same vector without the last element
# [1] -0.8  0.7 -1.8
> A[1:2] + 3 # vector with the first two elements plus a number
# [1] 6.0 7.5
> A[1:2] - A[3:4] # vector with the first two elements less the vector with elements 3 and 4
# [1] 1.0 8.3

我們還可以使用函式 sum 來新增向量的所有元素:

> sum(A)
# [1] 5.7
> sum(-A)
# [1] -5.7
> sum(A[-n]) + A[n]
# [1] 5.7

我們必須注意回收利用,這是 R 的一個特徵,這是在進行向量長度不同的數學運算時發生的行為。表示式中較短的向量經常根據需要(可能是分數)再迴圈,直到它們與最長向量的長度匹配。特別是簡單地重複常數。在這種情況下,會顯示警告。

> B <- c(3, 5, -3, 2.7, 1.8)
> B
# [1]  3.0  5.0 -3.0  2.7  1.8
> A
# [1]  3.0  4.5  2.0 -3.8
> A + B # the first element of A is repeated
# [1]  6.0  9.5 -1.0 -1.1  4.8
Warning message:
In A + B : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> B - A # the first element of A is repeated
# [1]  0.0  0.5 -5.0  6.5 -1.2
Warning message:
In B - A : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length


> B[1:n] + A
# [1]  6.0  9.5 -1.0 -1.1
> B[1:n] - A
# [1]  0.0  0.5 -5.0  6.5

使用 sum 函式時,會再次新增函式內的所有元素。

> sum(A, B)
# [1] 15.2
> sum(A, -B)
# [1] -3.8
> sum(A)+sum(B)
# [1] 15.2
> sum(A)-sum(B)
# [1] -3.8