Web 部署自動備份

Web 部署提供了在部署時自動備份目標 Web 站點(而不是目標 Web 應用程式!)的選項。建議允許 Web 應用程式回滾。



在 Powershell 中開啟%programfiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\scripts\BackupScripts.ps1


# Turns on all backup functionality
TurnOn-Backups -On $true

# Turns off all backup functionality
TurnOn-Backups -On $false

# Changes default global backup behavior to enabled
Configure-Backups -Enabled $true

# Changes default backup behavior for site "foo" to enabled
Configure-Backups -SiteName "foo" -Enabled $true

# Changes the path of where backups are stored to a sibling directory named "siteName_snapshots".  
# For more information about path variables, see the "backupPath" attribute in the section 
# "Configuring  Backup Settings on the Server for Global usage manually in IIS Config"
Configure-Backups -BackupPath "{SitePathParent}\{siteName}_snapshots"

# Configures default backup limit to 5 backups
Configure-Backups -NumberOfBackups 5

# Configures sync behavior to fail if a sync fails for any reason
Configure-Backups -ContinueSyncOnBackupFailure $false

# Adds providers to skip when performing a backup
Configure-Backups -AddExcludedProviders @("dbmysql","dbfullsql")

# Allows a site administrator to enable backups and set the number of backups at the site level
Configure-BackupSettingsProvider -CanSetEnabled $true -CanSetNumBackups $true

# Allows a site administrator to control which providers they want to skip in a backup, as 
# well as whether they can continue a sync after a backup failure
Configure-BackupSettingsProvider -CanSetContinueSyncOnBackupFailure $true -CanAddExcludedProviders $true


Get-BackupSettings -SiteName "Default Web Site"


可以為每個網站配置備份設定。開啟 applicationHost.config 併為其特定位置新增備份設定:

<location path="siteName">
            <backup enabled="true" numberOfBackups="4">
                    <clear />
                    <provider name="dbfullsql" />
