
在一個物件中呼叫的方法將向上移動物件鏈,直到找到一個可以正確處理該呼叫的物件。這個特定的例子使用科學實驗,其功能可以獲得實驗的標題,實驗 ID 或實驗中使用的組織。

abstract class AbstractExperiment {
    abstract function getExperiment();
    abstract function getTitle();
class Experiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in) {
        $this->experiment = $experiment_in;
        $this->tissue = NULL;
    function getExperiment() {
        return $this->experiment;
    //this is the end of the chain - returns title or says there is none
    function getTissue() {
      if (NULL != $this->tissue) {
        return $this->tissue;
      } else {
        return 'there is no tissue applied';

class SubExperiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $parentExperiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in, Experiment $parentExperiment_in) {
      $this->experiment = $experiment_in;
      $this->parentExperiment = $parentExperiment_in;
      $this->tissue = NULL;
    function getExperiment() {
      return $this->experiment;
    function getParentExperiment() {
      return $this->parentExperiment;
    function getTissue() {
      if (NULL != $this->tissue) {
        return $this->tissue;
      } else {
        return $this->parentExperiment->getTissue();

//This class and all further sub classes work in the same way as SubExperiment above
class SubSubExperiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $parentExperiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in, Experiment $parentExperiment_in) { //as above }
    function getExperiment() { //same as above }
    function getParentExperiment() { //same as above }   
    function getTissue() { //same as above }