
const int a = 0; /* This variable is "unmodifiable", the compiler
                    should throw an error when this variable is changed */
int b = 0; /* This variable is modifiable */

b += 10; /* Changes the value of 'b' */
a += 10; /* Throws a compiler error */

const 資格僅表示我們無權更改資料。這並不意味著價值不能在我們背後改變。

_Bool doIt(double const* a) {
   double rememberA = *a;
   // do something long and complicated that calls other functions

   return rememberA == *a;

在執行其他呼叫期間,*a 可能已更改,因此此函式可能返回 falsetrue


仍然可以使用指標更改具有 const 資格的變數:

const int a = 0;

int *a_ptr = (int*)&a; /* This conversion must be explicitly done with a cast */
*a_ptr += 10;          /* This has undefined behavior */

printf("a = %d\n", a); /* May print: "a = 10" */
