ngShow 和 ngHide

ng-show 指令根據傳遞給它的表示式是 true 還是 false 來顯示或隱藏 HTML 元素。如果表示式的值是假的,那麼它將隱藏。如果它是真的那麼它會顯示。

ng-hide 指令類似。但是,如果值為 falsy,則會顯示 HTML 元素。當表示式真實時,它會隱藏它。

使用 JSBin 示例


var app = angular.module('app', []);
  .controller('ExampleController', ExampleController);
function ExampleController() {
  var vm = this;
  //Binding the username to HTML element
  vm.username = '';
  //A taken username
  vm.taken_username = 'StackOverflow';


<section ng-controller="ExampleController as main">
    <p>Enter Password</p>
    <input ng-model="main.username" type="text">
    <!-- Will always show as long as StackOverflow is not typed in -->
    <!-- The expression is always true when it is not StackOverflow -->
    <div style="color:green;" ng-show="main.username != main.taken_username">
      Your username is free to use!
    <!-- Will only show when StackOverflow is typed in -->
    <!-- The expression value becomes falsy -->
    <div style="color:red;" ng-hide="main.username != main.taken_username">
      Your username is taken!
    <p>Enter 'StackOverflow' in username field to show ngHide directive.</p>