MockWebServer 示例

如果你的活動,片段和 UI 需要一些後臺處理,那麼使用的好東西是 MockWebServer,它在 Android 裝置上執行 localy,為你的 UI 帶來封閉且可測試的環境。

第一步是包括 gradle 依賴:

testCompile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver:(insert latest version)'


  • 建立模擬伺服器物件
  • 在特定地址和埠啟動它(通常是 localhost:portnumber)
  • 將特定請求的響應排入佇列
  • 開始測試

在 mockwebserver 的 github 頁面中很好地解釋了這一點,但在我們的例子中,我們希望所有測試都有更好的和可重用的東西,JUnit 規則將在這裡很好地發揮作用:

 *JUnit  rule that starts and stops a mock web server for test runner
 public class MockServerRule extends UiThreadTestRule {

 private MockWebServer mServer;

 public static final int MOCK_WEBSERVER_PORT = 8000;

    public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) {
        return new Statement() {
            public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                try {
                } finally {

     * Returns the started web server instance
     * @return mock server
    public MockWebServer server() {
        return mServer;

    public void startServer() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        mServer = new MockWebServer();
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e,"mock server start issue");

    public void stopServer() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Timber.e(e, "mock server shutdown error”);

現在讓我們假設我們擁有與之前示例完全相同的活動,就在這種情況下,當我們按下按鈕時,應用程式將從網路中獲取某些內容,例如: https//

這將返回一些文字字串,這些文字字串將在快餐欄文字中連線,例如你鍵入的 NAME +文字。

* Testing of the snackbar activity with networking.
public class SnackbarActivityTest{
    //espresso rule which tells which activity to start
    public final ActivityTestRule<SnackbarActivity> mActivityRule = 
        new ActivityTestRule<>(SnackbarActivity.class, true, false);

    //start mock web server
    public final MockServerRule mMockServerRule = new MockServerRule();

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
       //same as previous example
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
       //same as previous example

       **//IMPORTANT:** point your application to your mockwebserver endpoint e.g.
    *Test methods should always start with "testXYZ" and it is a good idea to 
    *name them after the intent what you want to test
    public void testSnackbarIsShown() {
        //setup mockweb server

        //check is our text entry displayed and enter some text to it
        String textToType="new snackbar text";
        //we check is our snackbar showing text from mock webserver plus the one we typed
        onView(withId("JazzJackTheRabbit" + textToType));
        //click the button to show the snackbar
        //assert that a view with snackbar_id with text which we typed and is displayed
        withText(textToType))) .check(matches(isDisplayed()));
     *creates a mock web server dispatcher with prerecorded requests and responses
    private Dispatcher getDispatcher() {
        final Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher() {
            public MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest request) throws InterruptedException {
                if (request.getPath().equals("/name")){
                    return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(200)
                throw new IllegalStateException("no mock set up for " + request.getPath());
        return dispatcher;

我建議將排程程式包裝在某種型別的 Builder 中,這樣你就可以輕鬆地為你的螢幕連結並新增新的響應。例如

 return newDispatcherBuilder()
            .withSerializedJSONBody("/authenticate", Mocks.getAuthenticationResponse())
            .withSerializedJSONBody("/getUserInfo", Mocks.getUserInfo())
            .withSerializedJSONBody("/checkNotBot", Mocks.checkNotBot());