演示 GetObject 和 CreateObject
返回对 ActiveX 组件提供的对象的引用。
当存在对象的当前实例时,或者如果要创建已加载文件的对象,请使用 GetObject 函数。如果没有当前实例,并且你不希望以加载文件的方式启动对象,请使用 CreateObject 函数。
Sub CreateVSGet()
Dim ThisXLApp As Excel.Application 'An example of early binding
Dim AnotherXLApp As Object 'An example of late binding
Dim ThisNewWB As Workbook
Dim AnotherNewWB As Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook
'Get this instance of Excel
Set ThisXLApp = GetObject(ThisWorkbook.Name).Application
'Create another instance of Excel
Set AnotherXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Make the 2nd instance visible
AnotherXLApp.Visible = True
'Add a workbook to the 2nd instance
Set AnotherNewWB = AnotherXLApp.Workbooks.Add
'Add a sheet to the 2nd instance
'You should now have 2 instances of Excel open
'The 1st instance has 1 workbook: Book1
'The 2nd instance has 1 workbook: Book2
'Lets add another workbook to our 1st instance
Set ThisNewWB = ThisXLApp.Workbooks.Add
'Now loop through the workbooks and show their names
For Each wb In ThisXLApp.Workbooks
Debug.Print wb.Name
'Now the 1st instance has 2 workbooks: Book1 and Book3
'If you close the first instance of Excel,
'Book1 and Book3 will close, but book2 will still be open
End Sub