
协议可以使用 associatedtype 关键字定义关联的类型要求

protocol Container {
    associatedtype Element
    var count: Int { get }
    subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }


// These are NOT allowed, because Container has associated type requirements:
func displayValues(container: Container) { ... }
class MyClass { let container: Container }
// > error: protocol 'Container' can only be used as a generic constraint
// > because it has Self or associated type requirements

// These are allowed:
func displayValues<T: Container>(container: T) { ... }
class MyClass<T: Container> { let container: T }

符合协议的类型可以通过提供协议期望 associatedtype 出现的给定类型来隐式地满足 associatedtype 要求:

struct ContainerOfOne<T>: Container {
    let count = 1          // satisfy the count requirement
    var value: T
    // satisfy the subscript associatedtype requirement implicitly,
    // by defining the subscript assignment/return type as T
    // therefore Swift will infer that T == Element
    subscript(index: Int) -> T {
        get {
            precondition(index == 0)
            return value
        set {
            precondition(index == 0)
            value = newValue

let container = ContainerOfOne(value: "Hello")

(请注意,为了增加此示例的清晰度,通用占位符类型名为 T - 更合适的名称将是 Element,这将影响协议的 associatedtype Element。编译器仍将推断通用占位符 Element 用于满足 associatedtype Element 要求。)

通过使用 typealias 也可以明确地满足 associatedtype

struct ContainerOfOne<T>: Container {

    typealias Element = T
    subscript(index: Int) -> Element { ... }

    // ...


// Expose an 8-bit integer as a collection of boolean values (one for each bit).
extension UInt8: Container {

    // as noted above, this typealias can be inferred
    typealias Element = Bool

    var count: Int { return 8 }
    subscript(index: Int) -> Bool {
        get {
            precondition(0 <= index && index < 8)
            return self & 1 << UInt8(index) != 0
        set {
            precondition(0 <= index && index < 8)
            if newValue {
                self |= 1 << UInt8(index)
            } else {
                self &= ~(1 << UInt8(index))


extension Array: Container {}  // Array satisfies all requirements, including Element