Server syntax
var io = require('socket.io')(80);
io.on('connection', function (mysocket) {
//emit to all but the one who started it
mysocket.broadcast.emit('user connected');
//emit to all sockets
io.emit('my event', { messg: 'for all'});
// a javascript client would listen like this:
// var mysocket = io('http://example.com');
// mysocket.on('my event', function (data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
Client syntax
var mysocket = io('http://example.com');
mysocket.emit('another event', { messg: 'hello' });
// a node.js server would listen like this:
// require('socket.io')(80).on('connection', function (mysocket) {
// mysocket.on('another event', function (data) {
// console.log('data from client : '+ data);
// });
// });