class Villain(val minions: Map[String, Minion]) extends Dynamic {
def applyDynamic(name: String)(jobs: Task*) = jobs.foreach(minions(name).do)
def applyDynamicNamed(name: String)(jobs: (String, Task)*) = jobs.foreach {
// If a parameter does not have a name, and is simply given, the name passed as ""
case ("", task) => minions(name).do(task)
case (subsys, task) => minions(name).subsystems(subsys).do(task)
val gru: Villain = ???
gru.blu() // Becomes gru.applyDynamic("blu")()
// Becomes gru.applyDynamicNamed("stu")(("fooer", ???), ("boomer", ???), ("", ???),
// ("computer breaker", ???), ("fooer", ???))
// Note how the `???` without a name is given the name ""
// Note how both occurrences of `fooer` are passed to the method
gru.stu(fooer = ???, boomer = ???, ???, `computer breaker` = ???, fooer = ???)
gru.ERR("a") // Somehow, scalac thinks "a" is not a Task, though it clearly is (it isn't)