
 placeholderCopymy $filename = '/path/to/file';

open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Failed to open file: $filename"; 
# You can then either read the file one line at a time...
while(chomp(my $line = <$fh>)) {
    print $line . "\n";

# ...or read whole file into an array in one go
chomp(my @fileArray = <$fh>);

如果你知道输入文件是 UTF-8,则可以指定编码:

 placeholderCopyopen my $fh, '<:encoding(utf8)', $filename or die "Failed to open file: $filename";


 placeholderCopyclose $fh or warn "close failed: $!";

另请参阅: 将文件读入变量

读取文件的另一种更快的方法是使用 File::Slurper Module。如果你使用许多文件,这将非常有用。

 placeholderCopyuse File::Slurper;
my $file = read_text("path/to/file"); # utf8 without CRLF transforms by default
print $file; #Contains the file body

另请参阅: [使用 slurp 读取文件]