
DROP PROCEDURE if exists displayNext100WithName;
CREATE PROCEDURE displayNext100WithName
(    nStart int,
    tblName varchar(100)
    DECLARE thesql varchar(500); -- holds the constructed sql string to execute

    -- expands the sizing of the output buffer to accomodate the output (Max value is at least 4GB)
    SET session group_concat_max_len = 4096; -- prevents group_concat from barfing with error 1160 or whatever it is

    SET @thesql=CONCAT("select group_concat(qid order by qid SEPARATOR '%3B') as nums ","from (    select qid from ");
    SET @thesql=CONCAT(@thesql,tblName," where qid>? order by qid limit 100 )xDerived");
    PREPARE stmt1 FROM @thesql; -- create a statement object from the construct sql string to execute
    SET @p1 = nStart; -- transfers parameter passed into a User Variable compatible with the below EXECUTE
    EXECUTE stmt1 USING @p1;
    DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1; -- deallocate the statement object when finished

存储过程的创建显示了许多客户端工具中必需的 DELIMITER 包装。


call displayNext100WithName(1,"questions_mysql");

使用%3B(分号)分隔符输出样本: http://i.stack.imgur.com/0ZADP.jpg