
Lua 中的单行注释以 -- 开头并一直持续到行尾:

-- this is single line comment
-- need another line
-- huh?

阻止评论从 --[[ 开始,以 ]] 结束:

    This is block comment.
    So, it can go on...
    and on...
    and on....

块注释使用与长字符串相同的分隔符样式; 括号之间可以添加任意数量的等号以界定注释:

    This is also a block comment
    We can include "]]" inside this comment

    This is also a block comment
    We can include "]=]" inside this comment

注释掉代码块的一个巧妙方法就是用 --[[--]] 包围它:

    print'Lua is lovely'

要重新激活块,只需将 - 附加到注释开始序列:

    print'Lua is lovely'

通过这种方式,在第一行的序列 -- 开始单行注释,就像最后一行,并 print 声明没有被注释掉。


  print 'Lua is love'
  print 'Lua is life'

要在禁用第一个块时激活第二个块,请删除第一行上的前导 -

  print 'Lua is love'
  print 'Lua is life'