
此示例呈现对齐文本。它通过扩展原型或作为全局对象 justifiedTextCanvasRenderingContext2D 增加了额外的功能(可选参见注释 A)。


StackOverflow 文档



    const FILL = 0;        // const to indicate filltext render
    const STROKE = 1;
    const MEASURE = 2;
    var renderType = FILL; // used internal to set fill or stroke text
    var maxSpaceSize = 3; // Multiplier for max space size. If greater then no justificatoin applied
    var minSpaceSize = 0.5; // Multiplier for minimum space size
    var renderTextJustified = function(ctx,text,x,y,width){
        var words, wordsWidth, count, spaces, spaceWidth, adjSpace, renderer, i, textAlign, useSize, totalWidth;
        textAlign = ctx.textAlign; // get current align settings
        ctx.textAlign = "left";
        wordsWidth = 0;
        words = text.split(" ").map(word => {
            var w = ctx.measureText(word).width;                
            wordsWidth += w;
            return {
                width : w,
                word : word,
        // count = num words, spaces = number spaces, spaceWidth normal space size
        // adjSpace new space size >= min size. useSize Resulting space size used to render
        count = words.length;
        spaces = count - 1;
        spaceWidth = ctx.measureText(" ").width;
        adjSpace = Math.max(spaceWidth * minSpaceSize, (width - wordsWidth) / spaces);
        useSize = adjSpace > spaceWidth * maxSpaceSize ? spaceWidth : adjSpace;
        totalWidth = wordsWidth + useSize * spaces
        if(renderType === MEASURE){ // if measuring return size
            ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
            return totalWidth;
        renderer = renderType === FILL ? ctx.fillText.bind(ctx) : ctx.strokeText.bind(ctx); // fill or stroke
            case "right":
                x -= totalWidth;
            case "end":
                x += width - totalWidth;
            case "center": // intentional fall through to default
                x -= totalWidth / 2;                     
        if(useSize === spaceWidth){ // if space size unchanged
        } else {
            for(i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
                x += words[i].width;
                x += useSize;
        ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
    // Parse vet and set settings object.
    var justifiedTextSettings = function(settings){
        var min,max;
        var vetNumber = (num, defaultNum) => {
            num = num !== null && num !== null && !isNaN(num) ? num : defaultNum;
            if(num < 0){
                num = defaultNum;
            return num;
        if(settings === undefined || settings === null){
        max = vetNumber(settings.maxSpaceSize, maxSpaceSize);
        min = vetNumber(settings.minSpaceSize, minSpaceSize);
        if(min > max){
        minSpaceSize = min;
        maxSpaceSize = max;
    // define fill text
    var fillJustifyText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
        renderType = FILL;
        renderTextJustified(this, text, x, y, width);
    // define stroke text
    var strokeJustifyText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
        renderType = STROKE;
        renderTextJustified(this, text, x, y, width);
    // define measure text
    var measureJustifiedText = function(text, width, settings){
        renderType = MEASURE;
        return renderTextJustified(this, text, 0, 0, width);
    // code point A
    // set the prototypes
    CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillJustifyText = fillJustifyText;
    CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeJustifyText = strokeJustifyText;
    CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureJustifiedText = measureJustifiedText;  
    // code point B
    // optional code if you do not wish to extend the CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype
    /* Uncomment from here to the closing comment
    window.justifiedText = {
        fill : function(ctx, text, x, y, width, settings){
            renderType = FILL;
            renderTextJustified(ctx, text, x, y, width);
        stroke : function(ctx, text, x, y, width, settings){
            renderType = STROKE;
            renderTextJustified(ctx, text, x, y, width);
        measure : function(ctx, text, width, settings){
            renderType = MEASURE;
            return renderTextJustified(ctx, text, 0, 0, width);
    to here*/

注意 - 答: 如果你不想扩展 CanvasRenderingContext2D 原型从示例中删除// code point A// code point B 之间的所有代码并取消注释标记为/* Uncomment from here to the closing comment 的代码


CanvasRenderingContext2D 中添加了三个函数,可用于创建的所有 2D 上下文对象。

  • ctx.fillJustifyText(text,x,y,width,[settings]);
  • ctx.strokeJustifyText(text,x,y,width,[settings]);
  • ctx.measureJustifiedText(text,width,[settings]);

填充和描边文本功能填充或描边文本并使用相同的参数。measureJustifiedText 将返回文本将呈现的实际宽度。根据当前设置,这可能等于,小于或大于参数 width

注意: [] 中的参数是可选的。


  • text: 包含要呈现的文本的字符串。

  • x,y: 用于渲染文本的坐标。

  • width: 对齐文本的宽度。文本将增加/减少单词之间的空格以适合宽度。如果单词之间的空格大于 maxSpaceSize(默认值= 6),则将使用正常间距,文本将不会填充所需的宽度。如果间距小于 minSpaceSize(默认值= 0.5)时间正常间距,则使用最小空间大小,文本将超出请求的宽度

  • 设置: 可选。包含最小和最大空间大小的对象。

settings 参数是可选的,如果不包括在内,文本渲染将使用最后定义的设置或默认值(如下所示)。

min 和 max 都是分隔单词的[space]字符的最小和最大尺寸。默认的 maxSpaceSize = 6 表示当字符之间的空格大于 63 * ctx.measureText(“”)时 .with text 文本将不合理。如果要对齐的文本的空格小于 minSpaceSize = 0.5(默认值 0.5)* ctx.measureText(" ").width,则间距将设置为 minSpaceSize * ctx.measureText(" ").width,结果文本将超出对齐宽度。

应用以下规则,min 和 max 必须是数字。如果不是,则不会更改关联值。如果 minSpaceSize 大于 maxSpaceSize,则两个输入设置均无效,最大最大值不会改变。


settings = { 
    maxSpaceSize : 6;   // Multiplier for max space size. 
    minSpaceSize : 0.5; // Multiplier for minimum space size

注意: 这些文本函数为 2D 上下文的 textAlign 属性引入了微妙的行为更改。 ’left’,‘right’,‘center’和’start’表现得像预期的那样,但’end’不会从函数参数 x 的右边开始,而是从 x + width 的右边开始对齐

注意: 设置(最小和最大空间大小)对所有 2D 上下文对象都是全局的。


var i = 0;
text[i++] = "This text is aligned from the left of the canvas."; 
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size"; 
text[i++] = "This text is way too short."; 
text[i++] = "This text is too long for the space provied and will overflow#";
text[i++] = "This text is aligned using 'end' and starts at x + width"; 
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size"; 
text[i++] = "This text is way too short."; 
text[i++] = "#This text is too long for the space provied and will overflow";
text[i++] = "This is aligned with 'center' and is placed from the center"; 
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size"; 
text[i++] = "This text is way too short."; 
text[i++] = "This text is just too long for the space provied and will overflow";

// ctx is the 2d context
// canvas is the canvas

ctx.font = "25px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center"
var left = 20;
var center = canvas.width / 2;
var width = canvas.width-left*2;
var y = 40;
var size = 16;
var i = 0;
ctx.fillText("Justified text examples.",center,y);
y+= 40;
ctx.font = "14px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "left"
var ww = ctx.measureJustifiedText(text[0], width);
var setting = {
    maxSpaceSize : 6,
    minSpaceSize : 0.5
ctx.strokeStyle = "red"
ctx.moveTo(left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(left, y + size * 15);
ctx.moveTo(canvas.width - left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width - left, y + size * 15);
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("< 'left' aligned",left,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y, width, setting);  // settings is remembered
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
y += 2.3*size;
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("< 'end' aligned from x plus the width -------------------->",left,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.textAlign = "end";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);

y += 40;
ctx.strokeStyle = "red"
ctx.moveTo(center,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(center, y + size * 5);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("'center' aligned",center,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);