
你可以通过将第二个参数传递给 gulp.task() 来串行运行任务。


var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('one', function() {
   // compile sass css

gulp.task('two', function() {
   // compile coffeescript

// task three will execute only after tasks one and two have been completed
// note that task one and two run in parallel and order is not guaranteed
gulp.task('three', ['one', 'two'], function() {
   // concat css and js

// task four will execute only after task three is completed
gulp.task('four', ['three'], function() {
   // save bundle to dist folder


gulp.task('build', ['array', 'of', 'task', 'names']);

注意: 任务将并行运行(一次性完成),因此不要假设任务将按顺序启动/完成。开始一饮而尽 V4gulp.series() 应该如果依赖任务的执行顺序是非常重要的使用。