
> listOfNumbers = [1,4,99]
[1,4,99] : List number
> listOfStrings = ["Hello","World"]
["Hello","World"] : List String
> emptyList = []   -- can be anything, we don't know yet
[] : List a

在引擎盖下,List链表 )由::函数(称为 cons)构成,该函数有两个参数:一个元素,称为头部,一个(可能为空)列表,头部被预先添加。

> withoutSyntaxSugar = 1 :: []
[1] : List number
> longerOne = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []
[1,2,3] : List number
> nonemptyTail = 1 :: [2]
[1,2] : List number

List 只能取一种类型的值,所以像 [1,"abc"] 这样的东西是不可能的。如果需要,请使用元组。

> notAllowed = [1,"abc"]
==================================== ERRORS ====================================

-- TYPE MISMATCH --------------------------------------------- repl-temp-000.elm

The 1st and 2nd elements are different types of values.

8|              [1,"abc"]
The 1st element has this type:


But the 2nd is:


Hint: All elements should be the same type of value so that we can iterate
through the list without running into unexpected values.
