理解表达式 API

我们将使用表达式树 API 来创建 CalculateSalesTax 树。用简单的英语,这里是创建树所需步骤的摘要。

  1. 检查产品是否应纳税
  2. 如果是,则将总线乘以适用的税率并返回该金额
  3. 否则返回 0
//For reference, we're using the API to build this lambda expression
    orderLine => orderLine.IsTaxable ? orderLine.Total * orderLine.Order.TaxRate : 0;

//The orderLine parameter we pass in to the method.  We specify it's type (OrderLine) and the name of the parameter.
    ParameterExpression orderLine = Expression.Parameter(typeof(OrderLine), "orderLine");

//Check if the parameter is taxable;  First we need to access the is taxable property, then check if it's true
    PropertyInfo isTaxableAccessor = typeof(OrderLine).GetProperty("IsTaxable");
    MemberExpression getIsTaxable = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(orderLine, isTaxableAccessor);
    UnaryExpression isLineTaxable = Expression.IsTrue(getIsTaxable);

//Before creating the if, we need to create the braches
    //If the line is taxable, we'll return the total times the tax rate; get the total and tax rate, then multiply
    //Get the total
    PropertyInfo totalAccessor = typeof(OrderLine).GetProperty("Total");
    MemberExpression getTotal = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(orderLine, totalAccessor);
    //Get the order
    PropertyInfo orderAccessor = typeof(OrderLine).GetProperty("Order");
    MemberExpression getOrder = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(orderLine, orderAccessor);
    //Get the tax rate - notice that we pass the getOrder expression directly to the member access
    PropertyInfo taxRateAccessor = typeof(Order).GetProperty("TaxRate");
    MemberExpression getTaxRate = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(getOrder, taxRateAccessor);
    //Multiply the two - notice we pass the two operand expressions directly to multiply
    BinaryExpression multiplyTotalByRate = Expression.Multiply(getTotal, getTaxRate);
//If the line is not taxable, we'll return a constant value - 0.0 (decimal)
    ConstantExpression zero = Expression.Constant(0M);

//Create the actual if check and branches
    ConditionalExpression ifTaxableTernary = Expression.Condition(isLineTaxable, multiplyTotalByRate, zero);
//Wrap the whole thing up in a "method" - a LambdaExpression
    Expression<Func<OrderLine, decimal>> method = Expression.Lambda<Func<OrderLine, decimal>>(ifTaxableTernary, orderLine);