
 placeholderCopyGCobol >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED
      *> ***************************************************************
      *> Purpose:   Demonstration of the SEARCH ALL verb and table SORT
      *> Tectonics: cobc -x -fdebugging-line searchbinary.cob
      *> ***************************************************************
       identification division.
       program-id. searchbinary.

       environment division.
       input-output section.
           select optional wordfile
           assign to infile
           organization is line sequential.

       data division.
       file section.
       fd wordfile.
           01 wordrec          pic x(20).

       working-storage section.
       01 infile               pic x(256) value spaces.
          88 defaultfile       value '/usr/share/dict/words'.
       01 arguments            pic x(256).

      *> Note the based clause, this memory is initially unallocated
       78 maxwords             value 500000.
       01 wordlist             based.
          05 word-table occurs maxwords times
              depending on wordcount
              descending key is wordstr
              indexed by wl-index.
             10 wordstr        pic x(20).
             10 wordline       usage binary-long.
       01 wordcount            usage binary-long.

       01 file-eof             pic 9 value low-value.
          88 at-eof            value high-values.

       01 word                 pic x(20).

      *> ***************************************************************
       procedure division.

      *> Get the word file filename
       accept arguments from command-line end-accept
       if arguments not equal spaces
           move arguments to infile
           set defaultfile to true

      *> ***************************************************************
      *> Try playing with the words file and binary SEARCH ALL
      *>   requires KEY IS and INDEXED BY table description

      *> Point wordlist to valid memory
       allocate wordlist initialized

       open input wordfile

       move low-value to file-eof
       read wordfile
           at end set at-eof to true

           with test before
           until at-eof or (wordcount >= maxwords)
               add 1 to wordcount
               move wordrec to wordstr(wordcount)
               move wordcount to wordline(wordcount)
               read wordfile
                   at end set at-eof to true

       close wordfile

      *> ensure a non-zero length table when allowing optional file
       evaluate true                  also file-eof
           when wordcount = 0         also any
               move 1 to wordcount
               display "No words loaded" end-display
           when wordcount >= maxwords also low-value
               display "Word list truncated to " maxwords end-display

    >>D display "Count: " wordcount ": " wordstr(wordcount) end-display

      *> Sort the words from z to a
       sort word-table on descending key wordstr

      *> fetch a word to search for
       display "word to find: " with no advancing end-display
       accept word end-accept

      *> binary search the words for word typed in and display
      *> the original line number if/when a match is found
       set wl-index to 1
       search all word-table
           at end
                   word " not a word of " function trim(infile)
           when wordstr(wl-index) = word
                   word " sorted to " wl-index ", originally "
                   wordline(wl-index) " of " function trim(infile)

      *> Release memory ownership
       free address of wordlist

       end program searchbinary.