计算长度 strlen()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    /* Exit if no second argument is found. */
    if (argc != 2) 
        puts("Argument missing.");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    size_t len = strlen(argv[1]);
    printf("The length of the second argument is %zu.\n", len);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

该程序计算其第二个输入参数的长度,并将结果存储在 len 中。然后它将该长度打印到终端。例如,当使用参数 program_name "Hello, world!" 运行时,程序将输出 The length of the second argument is 13.,因为字符串 Hello, world! 长度为 13 个字符。

strlen 计算字符串开头的所有字节,但不包括终止 NUL 字符'\0'。因此,只有在保证字符串被 NUL 终止时才能使用它。

另外请记住,如果字符串包含任何 Unicode 字符,strlen 将不会告诉你字符串中有多少字符(因为某些字符可能是多个字节长)。在这种情况下,你需要自己计算字符( 代码单元)。考虑以下示例的输出:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) 
    char asciiString[50] = "Hello world!";
    char utf8String[50] = "Γειά σου Κόσμε!"; /* "Hello World!" in Greek */

    printf("asciiString has %zu bytes in the array\n", sizeof(asciiString));
    printf("utf8String has %zu bytes in the array\n", sizeof(utf8String));
    printf("\"%s\" is %zu bytes\n", asciiString, strlen(asciiString));
    printf("\"%s\" is %zu bytes\n", utf8String, strlen(utf8String));


asciiString has 50 bytes in the array
utf8String has 50 bytes in the array
"Hello world!" is 12 bytes
"Γειά σου Κόσμε!" is 27 bytes