条件结构 if if..else

if 和 else:

它用于检查给定的表达式是返回 true 还是 false,并且这样做:

if (condition) statement

条件可以是任何有效的 C++表达式,它返回一些可以检查真/假的内容,例如:

if (true) { /* code here */ }  // evaluate that true is true and execute the code in the brackets
if (false) { /* code here */ } // always skip the code since false is always false


if(istrue()) { } // evaluate the function, if it returns true, the if will execute the code
if(isTrue(var)) { } //evalute the return of the function after passing the argument var
if(a == b) { } // this will evaluate the return of the experssion (a==b) which will be true if equal and false if unequal
if(a) { } //if a is a boolean type, it will evaluate for its value, if it's an integer, any non zero value will be true, 



if (a && b) { } // will be true only if both a and b are true (binary operators are outside the scope here
if (a || b ) { } //true if a or b is true 

使用 if / ifelse / else


if (a== "test") {
    //will execute if a is a string "test" 
} else {
    // only if the first failed, will execute 


if (a=='a') { 
// if a is a char valued 'a'  
} else if (a=='b') {
// if a is a char valued 'b' 
} else if (a=='c') {
// if a is a char valued 'c'
} else { 
//if a is none of the above
