
为了确保封装,类的成员变量应该是 private,并且只能通过公共 get / set 访问方法访问 public。通常使用 _ 为私有字段添加前缀

public class Person
    private var _name:String = "";

    public function get name():String{
        return _name;
        //or return some other value depending on the inner logic of the class

    public function set name(value:String):void{
        //here you may check if the new value is valid
        //or maybe dispatch some update events or whatever else
        _name = value;

有时你甚至不需要为 get / set 对创建一个 private 字段。
例如,在像自定义无线电组这样的控件中,你需要知道选择了哪个单选按钮,但是在课堂之外你只需要一个方法来 get / set 只有选中的值:

public function get selectedValue():String {
    //just the data from the element
    return _selected ? _selected.data : null;
public function set selectedValue(value:String):void {
    //find the element with that data
    for (var i:int = 0; i < _elems.length; i++) {
        if (_elems[i].data == value) {
            _selected = _elems[i];//set it 